
Support a custom annotation key as text description for an alert

Opened this issue · 3 comments

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Prometheus webhook adds Alert description based on a fixed sequence of possible annotations
text = description or summary or f'{severity.upper()}: {resource} is {event}'

Describe the solution you'd like
Should be nice to have an environmental variable to override that sequence with a specific annotation like PROMETHEUS_TEXT_KEY.

What is an example of a "text key" that you would want to use instead of "description" or "summary"? And why?

I had a situation where I would like to use summary, but it was using description, the or condition creates a precedence.
I can see other situations where I prefer to use a label from my metric and/or my alert rule.
Making that short, the variable could add more flexibility and you are already using env variables to override hardcoded configuration.

@satterly Did I answer your question?