
Sound configuration on basis of severity

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Can we add sound on basis of severity

say a json/list which will hold these params

or we can enhance more where each severity can have different sound

This is also something I require.
Any updates on this feature? Or is it already possible to this and I am not aware?

I think this is more of a web-ui thingy to be honest. to my knowledge the only thing that the backend does is to say which file to play..

and yes from the looks of it, there a no difference between severity levels.

that being said, I think if you need this you probably need to develop it and do a PR.. The UI needs an overhaul in my mind, but I am not a UI programmer, so its sorta out of scope for me..

@hyberdk isn't it useful say you are monitioring lot of things and you want an sound when something critical or major happened (alert with severity major or critical) . Ideally minor alerts are harmless and doesn't require immediate attention so don't want sound over these . It would be greate if we can define severity sound configuration in alerta (severitySoundMap = {'critical', 'major'}) so when alerta reads from config (initial load) it will know that it will need to raise sound only for those severity

This Map will also be useful if in future if we define our own severity and want sound only on that severity alert

hey, im not saying that the feature is not useful, Im sure it is and I am sure that plenty of people want this.

but there are some "issues" with the way the feature is implemented currently for one, you need to distribute the file to all PCs that are connected (from what I can tell) and that will just become more important going forward if you add multiple files.

What I am trying to say is that the most people that I know of are actually working on the backend, no so much on the UI. The UI could need some TLC and since no one is doing that, it is unlikely they will take on new features also.

We actually ended up not using the UI, but building a plugin that sends all triggered/updated alerts into a Clickhouse database, so we can reference all alerts from there. This means we can build the dashboard the way we like and we have a record of all alerts that we can annotate on top of any graphs we currently have (if we want)..

Like I said Im not saying its not a valid feature, Im sure it is.. but the way I see it a great deal of the work has to be done in the UI and that is not being updated as much as the backend.