
How to set colors for severity label and status label?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am using Alerta 9.0 (with docker) and I set my custom severity in SEVERITY_MAP and COLOR_MAP as below:

    'critical': 0,
    'high': 1,
    'medium': 2,
    'low': 5

    'severity': {
        'critical': '#8a9900',
        'high': 'red',
        'medium': '#f23c12',
        'low': '#ffc0ef'
    'text': 'black'

Is there a way to set customs colors for Severity and Status label since the remain gray?


This is something I was looking into as well. It would be nice to be able to change status colors in particular. Being able to have "Ack" show up as a different non-gray color, for example, would be quite useful for visually scanning active alerts and differentiating between ack'd and un-ack'd at-a-glance. (filters work of course, but some of my users don't like to filter out ACKs).