
Assignign alerts to groups/users in UI

Opened this issue · 4 comments


Do you have any plans to adding possibility to assign alerts to users/groups? My colleges from ops team currently testing your's software and issue lack of this functionality. They want to assign problems to responsible employee or team automatically based on rules and manually, if assignee think that alerts related to someone else. I think that automatic assign can be done via plugin, but I don't see any buttons to manage assignment from ui. Also there is no functionality to filter alerts assigned to current/concrete user.

In theory, my team can do this functionality and contribute it to you project, but in this case we will need you help to properly design this feature. What do you think about such possibility?

@bashlakov any luck with that?

I'm still waiting for reply. Anyway we can't join this project until February, so we have some time to discuss first

I think your best shot is to join Alerta’s Slack and ask there -

Im not 100% sure you can do it from the UI, but try and have a look at the "actions" section in the config you might be able to do what you need. the actions are shown in the UI under the "more" menu of an alert.


then your plugin can pickup the action and do what is needed.. We dont really use that functionality so I am a little unsure how much "custom" data you can send though..

The web-ui could use an overhaul and from the looks of it no one (for now) is committed to do the effort.

Our workaround internally for this is to update our ServiceNow incident and then that has a webhook back to alerta..

about the filtering, I assume that you are using an attribute or tag to do the assignment, if so when look at the "COLUMNS" in the alerta UI config, you can add that to the UI and "technically" you can also filter on it (although you need to do it in the searchbar)

Hope that helps
