
Failed to retrieve client config

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Issue Summary
We are running alerta cluster:
node a) nginx + uwsgi + mongodb
node b) nginx + uwsgi + mongodb
node c) mongodb
After user is successfully authenticated he gets an error:
photo_2024-04-18 19 15 54

After clicking "OK", popup closes, user enters dashboard of alerts, which is ok and expected.
I see this issue in Google chrome, Safari, Opera but never in Mozilla.
Google chrome developer tools output:

config.json is in the same directory as index.html and contents are:
{"endpoint": "/api"}

I thought it might be a CORS issue and I added CORS_ORIGINS = ['https://my.keycloak.domain'], but it didn't help.


  • OS: [Mac, Windows]

  • API version: [9.0.1]

  • Deployment: [AWS]

  • For self-hosted, WSGI environment: [nginx/uwsgi]

  • Database: MongoDB

  • Server config:
    Auth enabled? Yes
    Auth provider? OpenID
    Customer views? Yes

  • web UI version: [8.7.0]

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Login
  2. Authenticate user
  3. See error

Expected behavior
redirect back to alerta page without error

The same issue for me