creating a fedex account
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Is there a process for an individual to create a fedex account for use with this project?
I know the fedex code isn't working, but I'm quite interested in using this project, and was going to tinker with it. Following the instructions, I see that a fedex key and password is required. Therefore, I tried creating an account, organization, and project at, and have a testing API key/secret. I couldn't get those to work with this package (see note below). I went to create a production API key, but following that process, I got to the point of needing to create a corporate account.
If you can lay out the steps, I'd be happy to make a PR adding the documentation.
output when trying to use the package with testing creds:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/<user>/proj/packagetracker/packagetracker/", line 176, in track
return self.iface.track(self.tracking_number)
File "/home/<user>/proj/packagetracker/packagetracker/service/", line 96, in track
raise TrackFailed(e)
packagetracker.exceptions.TrackFailed: Authentication Failed (Error code: 1000)
Hmm honestly, the last time I did it was probably 4 years ago, I have no idea what the current process is. Though I think I did create a corporate account, not that I use it for shipping more than like once a year.
Huh though I just used this yesterday to track a package, I'll have to update the readme - I don't recall what was broken but I think it was upstream. Regarding your error, this package is really just a wrapper around python-fedex, they may have better docs or more details about that error message.
Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!
Thanks for the info @alertedsnake . I'll take a look at python-fedex and see if I can find the process there.