
remove references to internal tools

Closed this issue · 2 comments

%% <li>Environment Variable <code>REGION</code>
%% <p>The <code>makeincl<code> development tools set the
%% <code>REGION</code> environment variable when executing eunit or
%% common_tests, to allow local workstation execution to use AWS
%% resources during testing.</p>
%% </li>

%% makeincl sets ENVIRON and IWS containers set IWS_BASESTACKNAME
case os:getenv( "ENVIRON", os:getenv( "IWS_BASESTACKNAME" ) ) of

case file:read_file( "/var/alertlogic/data/base-stack-name" ) of

@motobob please let me know when all code is migrated and this is no longer needed.

well, we still use them but IWS_* can be removed.

file read can be removed and leave REGION but fix a doc