
Please make sure is in your library path

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Trying to run the demo and docker container but getting this error:
Lightning automatically upgraded your loaded checkpoint from v1.5.4 to v2.1.3. To apply the upgrade to your files permanently, run python -m pytorch_lightning.utilities.upgrade_checkpoint ../../../root/.cache/torch/pyannote/models--pyannote--segmentation/snapshots/2ffce0501d0aecad81b43a06d538186e292d0070/pytorch_model.bin Could not load library Error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Please make sure is in your library path!

Do you know how to resolve this?

This is a good issue, we should reopen and fix it.

I will create a new issue and fix it, just FYI: #17