
Client disconnects , and refreshes after the audio stream is recorded and sent to the server

Opened this issue · 5 comments

hello @alesaccoia , thanks for the work on VoiceStreamAI , I was trying to make this work but , after setting the config and successfully establishing the websocket connection , when I click on start streaming , once the audio is recorded and sent to the server my client refreshes and I get Connection with ad63d0ab-a123-476a-8d4e-83b2b02d24c4 closed: received 1001 (going away); then sent 1001 (going away) in my server logs , I modified processAudio and convertFloat32ToInt16 funciton inside utils.js with more logs and error handling to better understand what's happening ,

here is my implementation of 2 functions

function processAudio(e) {
  try {
    console.log("processAudio function called");

    if (!context) {
      throw new Error("Audio context is not initialized.");

    const inputSampleRate = context.sampleRate;
    console.log(`Input sample rate: ${inputSampleRate}`);

    const outputSampleRate = 16000; // Target sample rate
    console.log(`Output sample rate: ${outputSampleRate}`);

    const left = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
    const downsampledBuffer = downsampleBuffer(

    const audioData = convertFloat32ToInt16(downsampledBuffer);

    if (!websocket) {
      throw new Error("WebSocket is not initialized.");

    if (websocket.readyState === WebSocket.OPEN) {
      console.log(`Audio data sent: ${audioData.byteLength} bytes`);
    } else {
        "WebSocket is not open. Current state: " + websocket.readyState
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error in processAudio:", error);

function convertFloat32ToInt16(buffer) {
  try {
    console.log("convertFloat32ToInt16 function called");

    if (!buffer) {
      throw new Error("Input buffer is null or undefined.");

    let l = buffer.length;
    console.log(`Input buffer length: ${l}`);

    const buf = new Int16Array(l);
    while (l--) {
      // Clamp the float value within the [-1.0, 1.0] range before conversion
      const clampedValue = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, buffer[l]));
      buf[l] = clampedValue * 0x7fff;

    console.log(`Converted Int16 buffer length: ${buf.length}`);
    return buf.buffer;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Error in convertFloat32ToInt16:", error);
    // Return an empty ArrayBuffer on error to maintain function signature consistency
    return new ArrayBuffer(0);

here are my console logs 

```utils.js:18 Attempting to initialize WebSocket connection...
utils.js:32 WebSocket connection established
utils.js:105 start recording function called 
utils.js:106 recording function called --------------------------------------------
utils.js:113 starting recording
utils.js:124 [Deprecation] The ScriptProcessorNode is deprecated. Use AudioWorkletNode instead. (
(anonymous) @ utils.js:124
Promise.then (async)
startRecording @ utils.js:121
onclick @ VoiceStreamAI_Client.html:125
utils.js:166 send audio config function called 
utils.js:167 Sending audio configuration to server...
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
utils.js:245 processAudio function called
utils.js:252 Input sample rate: 44100
utils.js:255 Output sample rate: 16000
utils.js:200 downsampling buffer function called 
utils.js:295 convertFloat32ToInt16 function called
utils.js:302 Input buffer length: 1486
utils.js:311 Converted Int16 buffer length: 1486
utils.js:272 Audio data sent: 2972 bytes
Navigated to
Navigated to

as you can see in the end the client navigates back to the same url

Hello! I checked the error and sincerely I don't see anything that could point me to a solution.
Did you try on another browser, and on another PC?

Did you also faced this error or everything is working fine ? I even tried with the docker image got the same result , not sure what I'm doing wrong

It's working fine here on several setups

@qxprakash Hello! Have you find any solution yet? I got same error

Screenshot 2024-07-26 172910

No @realHoangHai I couldn't find any solution to this error