
A mini-dice rolling library for use in "AZDice" and similar dice rollers and distribution simulators.

Primary LanguageRustGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


A fairly light-weight dice rolling library for use in "AZDice" and similar dice rollers and distribution simulators.

This document is a placeholder. It will be updated and clarified at the earliest opportunity. This library is meant to be the new dice "engine" for AZDice once it is "finished".

Current status: Builds with cargo 1.43.0 (2cbe9048e 2020-05-03)


  • Parser for dice strings eg. "1d100+5d20dl3-4" (Done).

  • API for creating "DiceBag"s via functions.

  • API for rolling a "DiceBag" once or more, or creating a probability distribution.

  • Simple C/C++ API for parsing, creating and rolling a "DiceBag".

Current Parsing Features:

Ability to parse and roll:

  • Accommodate for any virtual dice size with a whole number of size.

  • Basic rolls such as "3d20+5" with and without white-spaces. (Roll 3 twenty-sided dice and get the total)

  • Compound rolls such as "3d20-20d4". (Roll three twenty-sided dice and then subtract the total of the roll of twenty four-sided dice.)

  • Drop rolls such as "5d6dl2" or "2d20dh1". (Roll five six-sided dice and drop the two lowest, or roll two twenty-sided dice and drop the highest.)

  • Re-roll rolls which fall above or below a certain value such as "5d6r2b3". (Roll five six-sided dice re-roll up to two dice which roll below three).

  • Ability to re-roll above or below a given value. (Once per dice for up to N dice, where N < number of dice.)

  • "Explosive" dice. (Roll an extra dice on a max. so if 1d20 -> 20, a second d20 is rolled, recursively).

Currently Supported Parsing and Functions

The parser is designed to support most dice roll types that are used by various Table Top Role Playing Games (TTRPGs), as well as their break-downs and generation of their distributions.

Currently the parser can parse an arbitrary number of dice rolls of different dice types and numbers (although at i64::MAX) an overflow will be reached, it is not expected that most TTRPG dice rolls will reach near complex enough to "break" it.

The parser supports many elements of typical dice-roller syntax, but others are improvised.

Example use (API may yet be improved):

extern crate libazdice;
use libazdice::parse;
use libazdice::distribution;

let dice_to_be: String = "3d20dl1dh1+6".to_owned();
let parsed_dice_bag: distribution::DiceBag = parse::parse(parsed_dice_bag.clone())?;
let roll_summary = parsed_dice_bag.roll();
println!("I have rolled {} and got a {}!", dice_to_be, roll_summary.total());

Supported groups: (NB 'N', 'M' etc, is used to represent numerical values such as 1, 2, ... etc.) (NB2: The parser is case and whitespace insentive.)

Main Groups One main dice group is supported per dice group. It must come before any auxillary groups.

--'N' : A single number on its own (usually in the format of 1d20 + 3 or 1d20 - 3, is parsed as a number.

--d'N' : Represents a single N-sided dice (eg d6). One per dice group is supported. Supports auxilary groups.

--'M'd'N' : Represents M N-sided dice (eg 6d8). One per dice group is supported. Supports auxillary groups

Auxillary Groups. Auxillary groups can come in any order after the main group.

--rr'N' : Represents the reroll of N dice in the dice group. (eg 10d4rr5). Requires a ab'N' or bl'N' group. One per dice group is allowed (eg 10d4rr5bl2 (more common) or 10d4rr2ab3 (uncommon).

--ab'N' : The threshold above which a reroll is to be triggered if rr is found (see above, eg ab5). One per dice group is supported.

--bl'N' : The threshold below which a reroll is to be triggered if rr is found (see above, eg bl3). One per dice group is supported.

--mn'N' : Sets the floor of a dice roll. (eg 8d10mn3 will set any roll below 3 to a value of 3). Can be used in conjuction with mx. One per dice group is supported.

--mx'N' : Sets the ceiling of a dice roll. (eg 8d10mx7 will set any roll above 7 to a value of 7). Can be used in conjuction with mn. One per dice group is supported.

--dl'N' / kh'M' : Drops N of the lowest dice, or keeps (total number - M). One per dice group is supported. Can be used in conjunction with dh / kl.

--dh'N' / kl'M' : Drops N of the highest dice, or keeps (total number -M). One per dice group is supported. Can be used in conjuction with dl / kh.

(NB3: "drop" and "keep" clauses should in theory be handled differently when used in conjunction (eg if you have a group of dice with 15 dice and you want to keep the 10 lowest and the 10 highest, then in theory you need to keep all of them, but this library handles it the same as drop clauses).

Final group This group must be used at the end of a dice group, or an error will be triggered. --! : The dice group is explosive. Only one is supported per dice group and it must be the last character. (eg 4d6rr2be2!).

Examples "5" : 5. "2d10 + 5" : Roll 2 ten-sided dice and add 5. "5 - 2d10" : Take a 5, and subtract the rolls of two ten-sided dice. "10d8dl1dh2rr4be3!" - 1d100 : Roll ten eight-sided dice explosively, reroll the lowest four dice below three, drop the lowest roll, drop two of the hightest rolls.

Intended Rolling functionality:


  • Single rolls of a DiceBag.

  • Multiple rolls of a DiceBag.

  • Building of a probability distribution from multiple rolls of a DiceBag.

  • A basic api to extern for use with C or C++. (NB! Destructors needed!)


  • Write destructors for C/C++ api functions.

- Implementation of Display for the pub types.

- Improve documentation.

- Find a better source of randomness!

Other The testing is currently incomplete could be more extensive, so if someone finds a bug, or thinks of an essential dice roller feature that's been overlooked, please make a comment (or something)!


Can be compiled sensibly with cargo build --release for both rlib and cdylib targets. A "small" (read: stripped) version can be compiled with cargo small-release (not recommended, unless it is).