
Click outside submenu hides menu

techlantis opened this issue · 2 comments

Typical usage goes like this, and its frustrating as hell.

-I have two vertical split panes
-I run out of space and cannot find a tab I just opened
-I toggle the side menu to see a list of items, find file in question great
-Click outside the submenu expecting it to close, it does not, repeat this several times as its counter intuitive to all other popup windows...
-See an X icon, Oh that must be to close this sub menu that wont go away...

LOSE ALL FILES that were loaded 👎

Can we have that sub menu close when you click out side it, or move that X away from the universal position to close a window.


solved 😄
update and enable option autoHideTheTabmenu > brackets preferences or Custom Work preferences

Wohoo! Thanks, my life is forever improved🥇 😄