
Documentation request

Wa2el3ali opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello Alessandro,
I'm asking on how to access "success" property in a ping instance or may be executor instance?
Also, i would appreciate it if you send me documentation for this project.

Thank you in advance

Hello Wa2el3ali,

Ping returns a ResponseList object, which contains one Response for each ICMP message you sent (this depends on the count). The Response object has the success property, so to access it you would need to do rs._responses[0].success, where rs is the object returned by ping().
Doing some means you are accessing a private propriety (_responses), as this class was not really meant for that. Since this is a request I received from multiple people, I will consider adding a more convenient way of obtaining the boolean status of a ping in the next release.

At the moment, the only documentation I produced about this project are the docstrings you can already find in the source code in GitHub. With them (and probably some patience), you can understand how pythonping works, bit by bit. I will consider adding more documentation and maybe creating a Wiki.

Is there a way to see the percentage pack loss of a ping command?

I guess I'm looking for something comparable to running a ping from the (mac) termimal.

Mac Terminal ping:

4 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100.0% packet loss

vs pythonping

Round Trip Times min/avg/max is 2000/2000.0/2000 ms

I ‘m also looking for the packets loss
just like:
229 packets transmitted, 229 received, 0% packet loss, time 228000ms

Documentation has been expanded over the course of various releases. As of now, documentation should be added and expanded with every release and does not need a separate issue to track it any longer.