Pinned Repositories
A dashboard showing daily and monthly data on COVID19 in Italy, with login and logging features that use a MySQL database to record data. The project was created for the 2020 high school diploma, I reuploaded it without sensitive data. It was hosted locally using XAMPP and was presented in real time to the commission using ngrok.
A php bot that i've created when i was in Highschool for the tracing of Covid cases in italy with specific informations about Sardinia. I've reuploaded the repository without the sensitive data. The first commit was in August 2020.
Print-friendly, minimalist CV page
A study of oversampling techniques using GAN and CycleGAN: an overview using a binary classifier. University of Cagliari, 2022.
Frogger game developed in C using Processes and Threads for the Operating Systems and Network Programming course at the University of Cagliari in 2022.
Final project of the Machine Learning course at the University of Cagliari in 2022. Analysis of a dataset, use of Machine Learning techniques with Oversampling and Undersampling techniques. Final report with the results obtained.
Jupyter notebooks for the Natural Language Processing with Transformers book
KGGLM: A Generative Language Model for Generalizable Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in Recommendation, ACM RecSys 2024
progetto alternanza SL cagliari 2019
alessandrosocc's Repositories
Frogger game developed in C using Processes and Threads for the Operating Systems and Network Programming course at the University of Cagliari in 2022.
A study of oversampling techniques using GAN and CycleGAN: an overview using a binary classifier. University of Cagliari, 2022.
Final project of the Machine Learning course at the University of Cagliari in 2022. Analysis of a dataset, use of Machine Learning techniques with Oversampling and Undersampling techniques. Final report with the results obtained.
A dashboard showing daily and monthly data on COVID19 in Italy, with login and logging features that use a MySQL database to record data. The project was created for the 2020 high school diploma, I reuploaded it without sensitive data. It was hosted locally using XAMPP and was presented in real time to the commission using ngrok.
A php bot that i've created when i was in Highschool for the tracing of Covid cases in italy with specific informations about Sardinia. I've reuploaded the repository without the sensitive data. The first commit was in August 2020.
Print-friendly, minimalist CV page
Jupyter notebooks for the Natural Language Processing with Transformers book