
strange problem when flushing database

viyullas opened this issue · 4 comments

We are experiencing a very sdtrange problem when using ec2-consistent-snapshot with a mysql db on a non root volume.
The worst thing is sometimes the script ends OK and other times not.

Here is the output from one of the faied executions:

.ec2-consistent-snapshot/ec2-consistent-snapshot -d --aws-credentials-file /root/.ec2/melga/awssecret --region eu-west-1 --freeze-filesystem /vol --mysql --mysql-defaults-file /root/.mysql-connection-info --mysql-master-status-file /vol/mysql-master.status --lock-timeout 1 --description TEMPdb vol-087f658c149efsd34
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Using AWS access key: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Using description 'TEMPdb' for all snapshot descriptions
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:35:59 2017: MySQL connect as root
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:35:59 2017: MySQL flush
ec2-consistent-snapshot: MySQL timeout at 1 sec
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Trying again in 5 seconds
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:36:05 2017: MySQL flush
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Query execution was interrupted at ec2-consistent-snapshot/ec2-consistent-snapshot line 758.
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:36:05 2017: MySQL flush & lock
ec2-consistent-snapshot: MySQL timeout at 1 sec
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Trying again in 5 seconds
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:36:11 2017: MySQL flush & lock
DBD::mysql::db do failed: Query execution was interrupted at ec2-consistent-snapshot/ec2-consistent-snapshot line 758.
DBD::mysql::db selectrow_hashref failed: fetch() without execute() at ec2-consistent-snapshot/ec2-consistent-snapshot line 674.
DBD::mysql::db selectrow_array failed: fetch() without execute() at ec2-consistent-snapshot/ec2-consistent-snapshot line 683.
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:41:59 2017: sync
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:41:59 2017: fsfreeze -f /vol
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:41:59 2017: create EC2 object
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Endpoint:
ec2-consistent-snapshot: volume_id: vol-087f658c149eb9f22; description: TEMPdb
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:41:59 2017: aws ec2 create-snapshot vol-087f658c149efsd34
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:41:59 2017: fsfreeze -u /vol
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Mon Jan 23 12:41:59 2017: removing master info file: /vol/mysql-master.status
ec2-consistent-snapshot: Couldn't remove file: /vol/mysql-master.status: No such file or directory
END failed--call queue aborted at ec2-consistent-snapshot/ec2-consistent-snapshot line 228.

We have the same working on another machine (gentoo) without any problem but in our new server (debian) we are not able to make it run smooth.

I am running into a similar issue. Did you ever figure out why? thanks in advance @viyullas

No, sorry.
We started using another tool.

@viyullas may I ask what the other tool is?

Thanks for submitting this. Unfortunately, this project is no longer under development in this repo. Anybody is welcome to fork the project and continue development if there is interest.