
Filter: Regex or include possible?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

gymnae commented

Hi, this seems like a promising project for my needs. I have massive playlist and would like to filter based on tags and strings, regex would be most helpful here. Instead of filtering out, the other way around would be helpful.

Removing groups would require redoing when new groups are added or changed in their titles.

Could such a feature be added?


It’s possible, of course, but at the moment I don’t have the time to implement it unfortunately.

I specifically wanted to exclude entries so new group additions would show up automatically.
Also, since the exclude is a check for groups containing a substring independent of case, renames of groups should be fairly covered if it’s not renamed to something completely different.

Will keep this issue open tough

gymnae commented

For now I signed up for - but this one causes trouble with player_api.php? calls, which only deliver fractions of the result to your iptv-handler compared to directly calling the URL