
[Need help] random black screen on high-dpi display with scaling in a multi-display configuration

Closed this issue · 18 comments


First of all, sorry that this is probably not the most appropriate place to ask, but I need guidance with some wayland display issues and in terms of getting a good answer it seems like a good place to ask.

My config/setup/environment

I'm running arch/sway and have two displays connected to my ThinkPad laptop via HDMI through a Lenovo ThinkPad thunderbolt dock thing. Details about resolution/config see below (but TL;DR: auto resolution, scaling on).

Physical display connection: pc->thunderbolt->dock->hdmi->display.
Both displays are connected like this, but only the LG display is having issues.

P.S.: I'm fairly new to sway and wayland in general, so don't rule out any problems between computer and chair.

Elaboration on the problem

Happens fairly frequently, multiple times per day, maybe once an hour, with varying "severity".

Most of the time, the screen will just blink once. Takes about 1-2 seconds.

Other times it will blink multiple times in a row ranging anywhere from 2 to 10 times, I would say.

On rare occasions the screen just stays black after the problem "stabilizes" itself.

When the problem is "quite severe", meaning the blinking is continuously happening while I have time to open a terminal, I can "manually" deal with the problem. I can run a "one-shot" configuration of way-displays to disable the display, then one-shot the normal config and the problem is fixed until next time(which can randomly vary from the next minute to hour).

In the worst-case scenario where the screen stays black until manual intervention, I would describe it as moderately disruptive for my workflow.

So it's not that critical because I always have the option to move my workspace to the working display(which always works btw, it's only the LG 4K display that misbehaves).


I've checked journalctl -b when the problem occurs, but found no good leads from that. However, it did make me uninstall autorandr as a possible suspect.

I ran busctl monitor in the background while the problem was occuring, but found no good leads from that.

way-displays output
stdout : I [13:20:33] way-displays version 1.10.2
stdout : I [13:20:33] 
stdout : I [13:20:33] Found configuration file: /home/main/repos/dotfiles/stow/.config/way-displays/cfg.dock.yaml
stdout : W [13:20:33] 
stdout : W [13:20:33] WARNING: Ignoring invalid ALIGN LEFT for ROW arrange. Valid values are TOP, MIDDLE and BOTTOM. Using default TOP.
stdout : I [13:20:33] 
stdout : I [13:20:33] Active configuration:
stdout : I [13:20:33]   Arrange in a ROW aligned at the TOP
stdout : I [13:20:33]   Order:
stdout : I [13:20:33]     LG HDR 4K
stdout : I [13:20:33]     ROG PG27V
stdout : I [13:20:33]   Scaling: ON
stdout : I [13:20:33]   Auto scale: ON (min: 1.000, max: 1.700)
stdout : I [13:20:33]   Disabled:
stdout : I [13:20:33]     eDP-1
stdout : I [13:20:34] 
stdout : I [13:20:34] Monitoring lid device: /dev/input/event1
stdout : I [13:20:34] 
stdout : I [13:20:34] Lid open
stdout : I [13:20:34] 
stdout : I [13:20:34] DP-7 Arrived:
stdout : I [13:20:34]   info:
stdout : I [13:20:34]     name:      'DP-7'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     make:      'LG Electronics'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     model:     'LG HDR 4K'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     serial:    '0x00074879'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     desc:      'LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x00074879 (DP-7)'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     width:     600mm
stdout : I [13:20:34]     height:    340mm
stdout : I [13:20:34]     dpi:       161.96 @ 3840x2160
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz (preferred)  60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  30 Hz   30,000 mHz  30,000 mHz  29,970 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  25 Hz   25,000 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  24 Hz   24,000 mHz  23,976 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      2560 x 1440 @  60 Hz   59,951 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  30 Hz   30,000 mHz  29,970 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  24 Hz   24,000 mHz  23,976 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1600 x  900 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1280 x 1024 @  60 Hz   60,020 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1280 x  800 @  60 Hz   59,910 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1280 x  720 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1152 x  864 @  60 Hz   59,967 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1024 x  768 @  60 Hz   60,004 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:       800 x  600 @  60 Hz   60,317 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:       720 x  576 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:       720 x  480 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:       640 x  480 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz  59,940 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]   current:
stdout : I [13:20:34]     scale:     1.625 (1.687)
stdout : I [13:20:34]     position:  0,0
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      3840x2160@60Hz (60,000mHz) (preferred)
stdout : I [13:20:34]     VRR:       off
stdout : I [13:20:34] 
stdout : I [13:20:34] DP-5 Arrived:
stdout : I [13:20:34]   info:
stdout : I [13:20:34]     name:      'DP-5'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     make:      'ASUSTek COMPUTER INC'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     model:     'ROG PG27V'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     serial:    'K3LMQS069452'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     desc:      'ASUSTek COMPUTER INC ROG PG27V K3LMQS069452 (DP-5)'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     width:     610mm
stdout : I [13:20:34]     height:    350mm
stdout : I [13:20:34]     dpi:       105.55 @ 2560x1440
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      2560 x 1440 @  60 Hz   59,951 mHz (preferred)
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1280 x  720 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1280 x  720 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1024 x  768 @  60 Hz   60,004 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:       800 x  600 @  60 Hz   60,317 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:       720 x  576 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:       720 x  480 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:       640 x  480 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz  59,940 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]   current:
stdout : I [13:20:34]     scale:     1.125 (1.099)
stdout : I [13:20:34]     position:  2363,0
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      2560x1440@60Hz (59,951mHz) (preferred)
stdout : I [13:20:34]     VRR:       off
stdout : I [13:20:34] 
stdout : I [13:20:34] eDP-1 Arrived:
stdout : I [13:20:34]   info:
stdout : I [13:20:34]     name:      'eDP-1'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     make:      'BOE'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     model:     '0x0B66'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     desc:      'BOE 0x0B66 (eDP-1)'
stdout : I [13:20:34]     width:     300mm
stdout : I [13:20:34]     height:    190mm
stdout : I [13:20:34]     dpi:       161.49 @ 1920x1200
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1920 x 1200 @  60 Hz   60,003 mHz (preferred)
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      1920 x 1200 @  48 Hz   48,001 mHz
stdout : I [13:20:34]   current:
stdout : I [13:20:34]     (no mode)
stdout : I [13:20:34]     VRR:       off
stdout : I [13:20:34]      (disabled)
stdout : I [13:20:34] 
stdout : I [13:20:34] DP-7 Changing:
stdout : I [13:20:34]   from:
stdout : I [13:20:34]     scale:     1.625 (1.687)
stdout : I [13:20:34]     position:  0,0
stdout : I [13:20:34]     mode:      3840x2160@60Hz (60,000mHz) (preferred)
stdout : I [13:20:34]     VRR:       off
stdout : I [13:20:34]   to:
stdout : I [13:20:34]     VRR:       on
stdout : I [13:20:34] 
stdout : I [13:20:34] DP-7:
stdout : I [13:20:34]   Cannot enable VRR: this display or compositor may not support it.
stdout : I [13:20:34]   To speed things up you can disable VRR for this display by adding the following or similar to your cfg.yaml
stdout : I [13:20:34]   VRR_OFF:
stdout : I [13:20:34]     - 'LG HDR 4K'
way-displays config file
  - "LG HDR 4K"
  - "ROG PG27V"
  - "ROG PG27V"
  # I comment/uncomment this when the blinking screen behavior gets crazy
  # - "LG HDR 4K"
  - eDP-1

Thunderbolt dock is properly "authorized" through udev rule config.

P.S.: it's not a cable issue!

  • works fine when it's the only enabled display
  • works fine when same cable used to windows pc

Need more info?

Let me know, I will do some extra effort to provide snippets of my journalctl/busctl monitor output or any other suggested strategies while the problem is occuring.

Un-educated guess

For no reason that I can explain or have tested well, I heavily suspect it's related to scaling and high-dpi on a multi-display configuration. (maybe also specifically via HDMI? maybe also specifically when connected via dock?)

Plea for help

I've really tried, to the best of my capability and patience, the things I could find from searching. Except for compromising on scaling or connection via docking station because that's not a desirable solution for me. We should be able to have all these nice things in wayland, right?! 👶

Hope someone can help me!
Also, let me know if you know a better place for me to post this.

Feel free to close issue and please allow for continuing discussion. I acknowledge it's likely not a way-displays issue.

You might want to look at sway (and wlroots) log files - they provide quite a bit of information about what's going on with the displays.

You can collect debug level logs as per

Not much of an update, but I've inspected the logs of sway and it looks like there's nothing interesting or out of the ordinary even during symptoms. It looked completely idle one of the times I checked.

But I'll close the issue anyway, since it's definitely nothing to do with way-displays.

Sorry to hear you can't find anything. Perhaps you could try another wlroots compositor like river or hyprland or vivarium. That might indicate whether it's a sway or wlroots issue.

Thanks for the suggestions. I might try that at some point when I have time, but it's too much for me right now. I'll remember to give an update here when/if I get around to more troubleshooting. 😄

Some news regarding this which may be interesting to you, @alex-courtis. Been using kanshi now and suddenly had no issues with my second screen going black. Note that I was using way-displays probably a little bit different than expected user behavior. I usually just ran it until it had applied the config and then shut it down. Not letting it run as a daemon. However, it seems whether I run kanshi as a daemon or in a similar way that I ran way-displays (shutting it down once it idles), I have no issues with my 2nd screen randomly blinking black. So it is probably some persistent setting that way-displays was setting and that kanshi is not setting that is causing the symptoms, I'm guessing. I couldn't say for 100% certainty these things, but this is my interpretation right now.

I thought I'd also share some pros/cons I've felt in terms of using kanshi compared to way-displays.

Pros of kanshi:

  • my second screen is not going black (the killer feature forcing me to use kanshi)
  • it seems quicker to apply its changes (i have no hard data to support this claim)
  • it can detect what profile to use based on connected displays

Cons of kanshi:

  • you have to manually handle positioning of monitors in a multi-monitor display
    way-displays automatically positions the monitors based on the specified layout (arrange/align). Amazing, sorely missed feature!
  • no auto-scaling
    This is also a really nice feature of way-displays, especially when connecting new monitors.
  • my second screen is not going black (the killer feature forcing me to use kanshi)

That's a bug that we must resolve. It's clear now that it is specific to way-displays.

Note that I was using way-displays probably a little bit different than expected user behavior. I usually just ran it until it had applied the config and then shut it down.

That is not the intended way to run way-displays. It must run as a daemon as there are events it needs to handle.

Why are you shutting it down? What happens when you leave way-displays running?

I'd be most grateful for you running it as a daemon and attaching your logs so that this issue can be resolved.

We will fix this.

  • my second screen is not going black (the killer feature forcing me to use kanshi)

That's a bug that we must resolve. It's clear now that it is specific to way-displays.

Note that I was using way-displays probably a little bit different than expected user behavior. I usually just ran it until it had applied the config and then shut it down.

That is not the intended way to run way-displays. It must run as a daemon as there are events it needs to handle.

Why are you shutting it down? What happens when you leave way-displays running?

I'd be most grateful for you running it as a daemon and attaching your logs so that this issue can be resolved.

We will fix this.

I'll be happy to provide logs and test running as a daemon when I have time. For the time being I'm traveling and no access to my multi-monitor setup, so not much I can do right now. I'll let you know when I've had the time. P.S.: might take a week or so.

Why are you shutting it down? What happens when you leave way-displays running?

It's a bit of a story. First I was running the daemon, but struggled a bit because I had to connect my PC to different display setups and have different configurations. Profiles are not a feature (at least that was my conclusion at the time seeing an open issue about it).

So my first solution was writing a shellscript that detected the connected displays from swaymsg CLI and apply the necessary way-displays CLI commands to adjust the configuration.

I really can't remember my issue with the initial solution, if the black screen was even an issue at this point, but it evolved into writing multiple cfg.yaml files instead and running way-displays -c cfg-file.yaml in the shellscript on-demand when I connected to the new display setup. In order for this to work I concluded that the daemon could not be running, because the CLI can not do way-displays -c cfg-file.yaml while the daemon is running.

From here it evolved into something quite crazy (mostly for fun and learning purposes), I wrote a golang CLI tool that executes the given command until a pattern is matched or a timeout is reached and then kills the process.

This was actually working quite great(except from the 2nd screen issue in the one setup). With the detection shellscript and the CLI tool I had a single keymap in sway to apply the correct configuration. Probably a super weird way of handling all this though.

EDIT: (Sorry for lots of edits. Tried my best to boil it down.)

I'll be happy to provide logs and test running as a daemon when I have time. For the time being I'm traveling and no access to my multi-monitor setup, so not much I can do right now. I'll let you know when I've had the time. P.S.: might take a week or so.

That would be most gratefully appreciated!

In order for this to work I concluded that the daemon could not be running, because the CLI can not do way-displays -c cfg-file.yaml while the daemon is running.

You can make changes at runtime by:

  • changing the contents of cfg.yaml - they will be immediately applied when the file is written - see wiki: Configuration
  • using way-displays --set or --delete commands to make immediate changes - see man way-displays and wiki: Command Line for examples

Added section to wiki:

As mentioned, I was using the CLI(way-displays --set or --delete) initially. During writing my last comment I also thought about that, how I could have overwritten the cfg.yaml file based on detected displays in my shellscript. So it's not news to me, I did already understand these things from the existing documentation. So it's probably just me doing stupid things, but I guess the added FAQ may still be useful for someone.
I think maybe a section explaining that there may be issues (and what issues exactly) if you try to use the app without running the daemon, this could be useful documentation too. I know at least one other user(a co-worker) who is also using way-displays in the same way, killing it after it applies a config. I guess he was the one who inspired me to try that approach.

I think maybe a section explaining that there may be issues (and what issues exactly) if you try to use the app without running the daemon, this could be useful documentation too. I know at least one other user(a co-worker) who is also using way-displays in the same way, killing it after it applies a config. I guess he was the one who inspired me to try that approach.

That's great feedback, thank you. I'll add some clarifications. needs a refactor.


I think maybe a section explaining that there may be issues (and what issues exactly) if you try to use the app without running the daemon, this could be useful documentation too. I know at least one other user(a co-worker) who is also using way-displays in the same way, killing it after it applies a config. I guess he was the one who inspired me to try that approach.

That's great feedback, thank you. I'll add some clarifications. needs a refactor.


Nice, left you a comment you may want to handle on that PR.

Nevermind, noticed you already handled it in master branch! 👍

Here are the way-displays log of a session where it ran as a daemon and the symptoms were showing again.

❯ cat /tmp/way-displays.2.main.log
I [17:40:15] way-displays version 1.11.0
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] Found configuration file: /home/main/repos/dotfiles/stow/.config/way-displays/cfg.yaml
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] Active configuration:
I [17:40:15]   Arrange in a ROW aligned at the MIDDLE
I [17:40:15]   Order:
I [17:40:15]     LG HDR 4K
I [17:40:15]     ROG PG27V
I [17:40:15]   Scaling: ON
I [17:40:15]   Auto scale: ON (min: 1.000, max: 1.700)
I [17:40:15]   Disabled:
I [17:40:15]     eDP-1
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] Monitoring lid device: /dev/input/event1
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] Lid open
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] DP-7 Arrived:
I [17:40:15]   info:
I [17:40:15]     name:      'DP-7'
I [17:40:15]     make:      'LG Electronics'
I [17:40:15]     model:     'LG HDR 4K'
I [17:40:15]     serial:    '0x00074879'
I [17:40:15]     desc:      'LG Electronics LG HDR 4K 0x00074879 (DP-7)'
I [17:40:15]     width:     600mm
I [17:40:15]     height:    340mm
I [17:40:15]     dpi:       161.96 @ 3840x2160
I [17:40:15]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz (preferred)  60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  30 Hz   30,000 mHz  30,000 mHz  29,970 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  25 Hz   25,000 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      3840 x 2160 @  24 Hz   24,000 mHz  23,976 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      2560 x 1440 @  60 Hz   59,951 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  30 Hz   30,000 mHz  29,970 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  24 Hz   24,000 mHz  23,976 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1600 x  900 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1280 x 1024 @  60 Hz   60,020 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1280 x  800 @  60 Hz   59,910 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1280 x  720 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1152 x  864 @  60 Hz   59,967 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1024 x  768 @  60 Hz   60,004 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:       800 x  600 @  60 Hz   60,317 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:       720 x  576 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:       720 x  480 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:       640 x  480 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz  59,940 mHz
I [17:40:15]   current:
I [17:40:15]     scale:     1.000 (1.687)
I [17:40:15]     size:      3840x2160
I [17:40:15]     position:  4480,0
I [17:40:15]     mode:      3840x2160@60Hz (60,000mHz) (preferred)
I [17:40:15]     VRR:       off
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] DP-5 Arrived:
I [17:40:15]   info:
I [17:40:15]     name:      'DP-5'
I [17:40:15]     make:      'ASUSTek COMPUTER INC'
I [17:40:15]     model:     'ROG PG27V'
I [17:40:15]     serial:    'K3LMQS069452'
I [17:40:15]     desc:      'ASUSTek COMPUTER INC ROG PG27V K3LMQS069452 (DP-5)'
I [17:40:15]     width:     610mm
I [17:40:15]     height:    350mm
I [17:40:15]     dpi:       105.55 @ 2560x1440
I [17:40:15]     mode:      2560 x 1440 @  60 Hz   59,951 mHz (preferred)
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1920 x 1080 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1280 x  720 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1280 x  720 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1024 x  768 @  60 Hz   60,004 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:       800 x  600 @  60 Hz   60,317 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:       720 x  576 @  50 Hz   50,000 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:       720 x  480 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz
I [17:40:15]     mode:       640 x  480 @  60 Hz   60,000 mHz  59,940 mHz  59,940 mHz
I [17:40:15]   current:
I [17:40:15]     scale:     1.000 (1.099)
I [17:40:15]     size:      2560x1440
I [17:40:15]     position:  1920,0
I [17:40:15]     mode:      2560x1440@60Hz (59,951mHz) (preferred)
I [17:40:15]     VRR:       off
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] eDP-1 Arrived:
I [17:40:15]   info:
I [17:40:15]     name:      'eDP-1'
I [17:40:15]     make:      'BOE'
I [17:40:15]     model:     '0x0B66'
I [17:40:15]     desc:      'BOE 0x0B66 (eDP-1)'
I [17:40:15]     width:     300mm
I [17:40:15]     height:    190mm
I [17:40:15]     dpi:       161.49 @ 1920x1200
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1920 x 1200 @  60 Hz   60,003 mHz (preferred)
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1920 x 1200 @  48 Hz   48,001 mHz
I [17:40:15]   current:
I [17:40:15]     scale:     1.000 (1.682)
I [17:40:15]     size:      1920x1200
I [17:40:15]     position:  0,0
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1920x1200@60Hz (60,003mHz) (preferred)
I [17:40:15]     VRR:       off
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] DP-7 Changing:
I [17:40:15]   from:
I [17:40:15]     scale:     1.000 (1.687)
I [17:40:15]     size:      3840x2160
I [17:40:15]     position:  4480,0
I [17:40:15]     mode:      3840x2160@60Hz (60,000mHz) (preferred)
I [17:40:15]     VRR:       off
I [17:40:15]   to:
I [17:40:15]     scale:     1.625
I [17:40:15]     position:  0,0
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] DP-5 Changing:
I [17:40:15]   from:
I [17:40:15]     scale:     1.000 (1.099)
I [17:40:15]     size:      2560x1440
I [17:40:15]     position:  1920,0
I [17:40:15]     mode:      2560x1440@60Hz (59,951mHz) (preferred)
I [17:40:15]     VRR:       off
I [17:40:15]   to:
I [17:40:15]     scale:     1.125
I [17:40:15]     position:  2363,25
I [17:40:15]
I [17:40:15] eDP-1 Changing:
I [17:40:15]   from:
I [17:40:15]     scale:     1.000 (1.682)
I [17:40:15]     size:      1920x1200
I [17:40:15]     position:  0,0
I [17:40:15]     mode:      1920x1200@60Hz (60,003mHz) (preferred)
I [17:40:15]     VRR:       off
I [17:40:15]   to:
I [17:40:15]      (disabled)
I [17:40:16]
I [17:40:16] Changes successful

I noticed it blinked once at two separate occasions earlier in the session, but right before I snapped the logs (~2hrs after the most recent timestamp) it was really spazzing out blinking black multiple times for probably 10 seconds.

I'm not going to say anything more than this; it happened also under kanshi so probably nothing with way-displays, although it seemed to happen much more frequently. Maybe coincidence, I don't know anymore. I'm done hypothesizing. If I ever figure something concrete out and I know for sure, I'll post an update. Sorry for wasting your time.

I'm not going to say anything more than this; it happened also under kanshi so probably nothing with way-displays, although it seemed to happen much more frequently. Maybe coincidence, I don't know anymore. I'm done hypothesizing. If I ever figure something concrete out and I know for sure, I'll post an update. Sorry for wasting your time.

There is indeed something strange going on, at least at the wlroots level, maybe at the wayland/drm level.

No apologies needed! This behaviour is not acceptable. If you do ever catch something useful when this bad behaviour occurs I would be most grateful.