Retry with different server
david-hollifield opened this issue · 0 comments
david-hollifield commented
I know I'm a little late to the game here, but would it be possible to retry a request using a different server for each retry?
For example, I have a bunch of load-balanced API servers available to handle requests. If I get an error, like a 503, I'd like to retry the same request, but to a different server (maybe adding a retry=X query argument). How would I be able to do something like that using this operator?
I have a non-rxjs implementation in an AngularJs app that I'm converting to Angular and would like to provide the same functionality using an HttpInterceptor and your backoff operator. Here's the current (stripped-down) implementation used within an AngularJs error interceptor:
// should we retry?
if (_.indexOf(this.retryErrors, response.status) != -1) {
// ruh-roh!!!
let attempt = 0;
new Backoff({
attempts: 1,
maxAttempts: retryServers.length
}).run((retry) => {
// retry the last request (with an updated server randomly selected from the available servers list)
let url = new URL(response.config.url, {});
let serverIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * retryServers.length);
let retryServer = retryServers[serverIndex];
url.set("host", retryServer);
response.config.url = url.toString();
// add a retry parameter that could be used by api if needed
response.config.params = Object.assign({}, response.config.params, { retry: attempt })
this.$http(response.config).then(retrySuccess).catch(() => {
if (!retry()) {
return false;
} else {