
sync got Unhandled rejection Error

pahud opened this issue · 2 comments

pahud commented


I got unhandled rejection error when I sync, anyway to fix it?

pahud@lz ~ $ sudo clouddrive sync

Syncing... ⠏Unhandled rejection Error: insert into "nodes" ("created", "id", "kind", "md5", "modified", "name", "raw_data", "status") values ('2016-01-03T05:46:54.370Z', 'c7XkWsp5QcyScC2pcqyM9A', 'FOLDER', NULL, '2016-01-03T05:47:21.204Z', NULL, '{"version":9,"isShared":false,"createdDate":"2016-01-03T05:46:54.370Z","modifiedDate":"2016-01-03T05:47:21.204Z","eTagResponse":"YTO3IJFT4Fs","createdBy":"CloudDriveDesktop","id":"c7XkWsp5QcyScC2pcqyM9A","parents":["wpuA-SHRTECPlME0ARkkvA"],"restricted":false,"kind":"FOLDER","labels":[],"status":"AVAILABLE"}', 'AVAILABLE') - SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: NOT NULL constraint failed:

Somehow, a node got created with no name (in this case, id c7XkWsp5QcyScC2pcqyM9A). You can try and track it down by looking at its parent in the web interface The API does not allow nodes to be created without a name, so my guess is something weird happened when uploading by other means.

If you can find it in the web interface, you should be able to rename it and sync again.

pahud commented

thank you!!