
"Error: Node cannot be saved with no name" while sync'ing

dcoon opened this issue · 5 comments

dcoon commented

Anyone seen this? Happens during sync. Tried clearcache and resyncing but same behavior. Version 0.5.0 installed via npm. It's happening in SQL.js when it sees a node with a blank name that isn't root.

Davids-MBP:~ dcoon$ clouddrive -vv sync
debug : Running SyncCommand
debug : Connecting to databsae
debug : Successfully conncted to databse.
debug : Successfully loaded account.
verbose : Requesting account:endpoints endpoint
debug : HTTP Request: GET ''
debug : Response returned with status code 200.
debug : Successfully authenticated with Amazon account.
verbose : Requesting changes:get endpoint
debug : HTTP Request: POST ''
debug : Response returned with status code 200.
debug : Received 24 parts.
error : Error: Node cannot be saved with no name (node ID: #######)
debug : Exiting with code 1

dcoon commented

ACD must have changed the response format slightly. Quick hack to make it work again, but disables some error checking. YMMV.

Interesting. I did a fresh install and did not run into this issue.

Going to close this for now since I can't replicate. Per Amazon's API guidelines, no node cannot have no name except for the default 'root' node.

If this persists and/or you have any additional information, we can reopen the issue.

dcoon commented

No problem, hopefully we can get this resolved!