
HTTPError: Response code 429 (Too Many Requests)

neo22s opened this issue · 20 comments

UPDATE 01-06-2017

The issue is on Amazon side. They have removed access to V1 api. Like has happened to other projects.

Thanks for the answer and great job @alex-phillips


I get this message since this morning no matter what I do, sync or upload.


I guess it's gone the way of acd_cli and rclone...

If thats the case really a pity. The web interface sucks and I am a linux user.... Hope gets fixed soon 😥

I think Amazon has to fix this. This has happened before, and when I filed a issue with Amazon, it was resolved.

It has not gone the way of rclone. 429 is just an API request limit has been hit. I will see if I can request Amazon to increase it for my keys. I'm not sure how they handle things like that.

I've temporarily disabled the app engine endpoint until I can get this resolved. In the meantime, you can always get your own credentials via their developer portal and plugin them into the CLI's config.

Unfortunately Amazon appear to have closed the cloud drive API to new developers, so we can't get our own credentials :-(

"The Amazon Drive API and SDKs are currently closed to new developers.
Thank you for your interest. We received an overwhelming number of API invitation requests with many innovative integration scenarios. We have ended the invitation period to focus on enabling new customer experiences with current developers."

@alex-phillips @sweharris yep the have closed it :(

this really sucks. damn....

@sweharris The new APIs are closed, yes. Even I didn't get access to those. But the current API should still be open if you have a valid security profile.

It does suck though. I applied for the new API as was rclone and acd_cli if I'm not mistaken and we were all rejected. It seems that they're focusing the new API on commercial products which is unfortunate. And as far as I know, they haven't said what they're going to do with the old API or if / when it will be disabled.

@juanpablocs I've temporarily disabled it until the errors subside or I hear back from Amazon. If it truly is an API limit being hit, it's not going to help by having everyone hammering on it to see if its fixed or not.

Any update on the rate limits?

Word so far is that all V1 access, except for those 'approved' by Amazon, are effectively dead. Still waiting on official word, but acd_cli and rclone are in the same boat as this project.

Another opensource project still OK as of now... Maybe it is next on their list ? And API keys are hardcoded in commercial ones (i.e gsync linux binary) so treatment is clearly not equal for all projects.

@alex-phillips "clouddrive:read scope will still work for the applications already using it. New applications will not be able to use older clouddrive:read scope". Indeed, trying to request a token with this ends up with lwa-invalid-parameter-bad-scope. So new apps can't even use V1.

rclone was banned for storing secrets in the source code (, acd_cli for a leaky authentication server (yadayada/acd_cli#562 (comment)), for which reason would node-clouddrive be banned? Could this simply be that the API limits were severely reduced for the app?

I suppose it's possible. However, I've shut off my endpoint to prevent people from making any additional requests using my credentials (to see if a couple of days passing would let up the 429 errors) and it is still returning that same error code.

It's official. Amazon has discontinued their "unlimited" plan and with it, the v1 API. Sorry everybody.

@alex-phillips thanks again...we need to see for the new API...let's see what brings ;)