
Raspberry pi zero with speaker bonnet. Program says is running but nothing else

marcusbaze opened this issue · 1 comments

Thank you for reporting an issue with AlexaPi.

Make sure you are running the latest version of AlexaPi, and look through issues before submitting.

Check out our Wiki, and make sure to look at Debugging, and Audio debugging in particular before filing an issue.

In order to help troubleshooting, be sure to include the following information:

Output of the audio debugging script.

Your OS (including version) where you are running AlexaPi:
Note: Raspbian older than Stretch is not supported!

Raspbian buster full

Your hardware platform and model you are running on:

Raspberry pi zero with speaker bonnet

Python release (python3 --version):

Description of problem:

Speaker work when running software but when alexa pi runs nothing is running at all. I am using  a speaker bonnet with raspberry pi


Suppposed to wake and run

Problem-relevant config.yaml entries:

Steps to reproduce:

Traceback (if applicable):

Additional info:

Gonna need more info here.

What are you using for a mic?

Are you using Pulse Audio etc.

Can you upload your alsa debug file and your debug script when running AlexaPi in debug mode?

Have you changed the config.yaml file and if so to what?

Are you using the Adafruit Speaker Bonnet?

It's very hard to help you with your issue when I don't have any info to go on.