
ask deploy fails

Flashsolutions opened this issue · 3 comments

Get the following error when trying to deploy the sample skill with the ASK cli...

Invalid json: /Users/Larry/Downloads/ALEXA/skill-sample-nodejs-audio-player-mainline/multiple-streams/.ask/config

I had the same issue, There was an error in the JSON.
Fixing the JSON allowed me to proceed but then the next step failed as well.
Can someone fix the ask deploy so that this works without error?

incorrect code is missing a }
{ "deploy_settings": { "default": { "skill_id": "amzn1.ask.skill.47a4720d-51d3-4c2d-a85b-e2cd993ccf16", "was_cloned": false, "merge": { "manifest": { "apis": { "custom": { "endpoint": { "uri": "ask-custom-Multi_Stream_Audio_Player" } } } } } } } }

I just tried it again from a different machine. With the above JSON change it worked.
I would highly recommend updating the steps be revised to include the steps to setup and configure AWS-CLI before doing ask init and ask deploy. I think trying to do ask init before aws configure was the second problem I was referencing.

Thank you Dirk. I uploaded a sample .ask/config file to the repo to avoid this to reproduce in the future. Thank you for your contribution