
Deploy ASK project without Lambda

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Currently, using the ASK CLI, it seems you must deploy the Lambda function in one way or another, either as a Cloudformation stack, the standalone Lambda, or as a hosted skill.

Is there a way to deploy just the skill config, so I can edit and deploy the Lambda separately?

Ideally, I want to add the ASK Lambda function to a pre-exisiting stack we have, and then just tie the Alexa skill to that lambda, but I have no idea how to achieve this.

Is there a way to deploy just the skill config, so I can edit and deploy the Lambda separately?

Use --target skill-metadata deploy option.

I want to add the ASK Lambda function to a pre-exisiting stack we have, and then just tie the Alexa skill to that lambda

Set the sourceLambda.arn deployer parameter.

@jsetton excellent! The --target option works perfectly, and in fact, because of that, I don't need to configure anything in the project to hook it up to the custom Lambda, other than defining it as the end point

Closing since @jsetton has given you the solution!