
Autogenerated Table of Contents for Github Markdown or Bear Notes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Autogenerated Table of Contents for Github Markdown or Bear Notes

Generated by the script ;)

Table of Contents


I love using Bear Notes for note taking of all sorts. Recently, Bear released a feature that allowed headers to be linked with x-callback-urls. And thus, I created a script to autogenerate a Table of Contents for your notes based on the headers.


NOTE: This program is only compatible with Python 3.x

PyPi (Preferred)

$ pip3 install markdown-toc --upgrade


$ git clone https://github.com/alexander-lee/markdown-github-bear-toc.git

$ cd markdown-github-bear-toc
$ python3 setup.py install



  • -h or --header-priority is the Limiting Header Priority/Strength (whether you limit your Table of Contents to h3s or h4s)
  • -t or --type is the type of anchor you want to use (Github or Bear x-callback-url)
  • --no-write is a flag on whether you want to disable the feature that automatically injects the ToC into your Markdown file or Bear Note
  • -toc or --table-of-contents-style is the Markdown style for your Table of Contents header

With Bear

  • Add a Table of Contents to a Bear Note with the title "Bear Note Title"
$ markdown-toc -h <default: 3> -t bear [--no-write] "Bear Note Title"

  • Add a Table of Contents to a Bear Note with the UUID 20703126-FA33-400A-B98E-F55F57E3EF48-47683-000143B2335758CA
$ markdown-toc -h <default: 3> -t bear [--no-write] "20703126-FA33-400A-B98E-F55F57E3EF48-47683-000143B2335758CA"

  • Add a Table of Contents to two Bear Notes with titles "Bear Note Title 1" and "Bear Note Title 2"
$ markdown-toc -h <default: 3> -t bear [--no-write] "Bear Note Title 1" "Bear Note Title 2"

  • Add a Table of Contents to all Bear Notes that contain the tag #bear OR tag #beet
$ markdown-toc -h <default: 3> -t bear [--no-write] "#bear" "#beet"

  • This allows you to take input a list of Bear Note titles, tags, or UUIDs and will inject the ToC into your note whether or not you submit the --no-write flag.
  • If you have #tags at the top of your note (cause I use them to categorize my notes), it will inject the ToC right after any tags.
Original Note Note with ToC
Original Note Note with ToC

With Markdown Files

  • Add of a Table of Contents to README.md (Using Github Anchors)
$ markdown-toc -h <default: 3> -t github [--no-write] README.md

  • Add of a Table of Contents to README.md and Folder/README2.md (Using Github Anchors)
$ markdown-toc -h <default: 3> -t github [--no-write] README.md Folder/README2.md