
Invalid PEM formatted message

ChurikiTenna opened this issue · 12 comments

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const buffer = pass.getAsBuffer(); throws error

You won't be able to set fields until you won't set explicitly one.
Cannot proceed creating the pass because type is missing.


var json = {...}
      const stringfied = JSON.stringify(json)
      const passJsonBuffer = Buffer.from(stringfied)

      const passJsonBuffer = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(Array.from(map.entries())))

      var wwdr = ''
      var signerCert = ''
      var signerKey = ''
      var signerKeyPassphrase = 'test'
      const pass = new PKPass({
         "thumbnail.png": thumb,
         "icon.png": icon,
         "pass.json": passJsonBuffer,
         //"jp.lproj/pass.strings": Buffer.from('')//これ何?
         serialNumber: "AAGH44625236dddaffbda",
      const buffer = pass.getAsBuffer();

Expected behavior

Be able to get buffer.

Steps to reproduce

Run the code above.

Were you able to verify it by using (and changing) the examples?


If yes, which changes did you apply?

Deleted pass.strings section.
Added my wwdr, signerCert, signerKey, signerKeyPassphrase.
Deleted pass.localize("en", {});

Other details

  • I'm available to open a Pull Request to resolve the problem (after the triage)

Hey @ChurikiTenna, do you mind sharing you pass.json?

Anyway, is the error message clear?

json is as below

var json = {
         "formatVersion" : 1, // 必須。バージョン数値。
         "passTypeIdentifier" : "", // AppleDeveloperで登録したpass名
         "serialNumber" : "p69f2J", // シリアルナンバー
         "teamIdentifier" : "h0GeTEsT", // AppleDeveloperで登録されたチームID
         "webServiceURL" : "", // WebサービスのURL
         "authenticationToken" : "vxwxd7J8AlNNFPS8k0a0FfUFtq0ewzFdc", // 認証トークン
         "locations" : [ // 位置情報(ビーコンで使用する場合に必須)
             "longitude" : -122.3748889,  //経度
             "latitude" : 37.6189722 //緯度
         "barcode" : { // バーコード情報
           "message" : "123456789", // 必須。バーコードと一緒に表示する文字列
           "format" : "PKBarcodeFormatQR", // 必須。バーコードのフォーマットで今回はQRコードのフォーマットを指定。
           "messageEncoding" : "iso-8859-1" //必須。messageのエンコーディング。
         "organizationName" : "Organic Produce", // 必須。組織名。
         "description" : "Organic Produce Loyalty Card", //必須 パスの説明。
         "logoText" : "Organic Produce", // ロゴの文字列
         "foregroundColor" : "rgb(255, 255, 255)", // パスの表の色
         "backgroundColor" : "rgb(55, 117, 50)", // パスの背景の色
         "storeCard" : {
           "primaryFields" : [ //フィ-ルドデータリスト
               "key" : "stampcard", // 文字列。パスデータ全体でユニークな値
               "label" : "Stamp Card", // 文字列。表示するラベルの文字列
               "value" : 21.75, // 文字列およびISO 8601形式のDateの文字列、数値。必須項目。このフィールドの値。
               "currencyCode" : "USD" // 通貨単位。
           "auxiliaryFields" : [ //フィ-ルドデータリスト
               "key" : "deal", // 文字列。パスデータ全体でユニークな値 
               "label" : "Deal of the Day", // 文字列。表示するラベルの文字列
               "value" : "Lemons" // 文字列およびISO 8601形式のDateの文字列、数値。必須項目。このフィールドの値。

Previous error message (TypeError) was resolved.
But now I get 'Invalid PEM formatted message'.

I didn't notice it immediately... but why are you passing the paths to certificates properties?

Ok. I was supposed to pass Buffer of each pem file...
I changed the code.

var wwdr = await getRawBody(storage.file('AppleWWDRCA.pem').createReadStream());
      var signerCert = await getRawBody(storage.file('pass.pem').createReadStream());
      var signerKey = await getRawBody(storage.file('distribution.pem').createReadStream());

Now I get this error.

Error: Could not convert private key from PEM; PEM header type is not "ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY", "PRIVATE KEY", or "RSA PRIVATE KEY".

I don't know what getRawBody does. Also, are you using Firebase Storage API? I never used it.

Try printing the values of wwdr, signerCert and signerKey. You should be able to see the same values as your local files.

getRawBody gets buffer of a stream as a Buffer.

With console.log("wwdr",wwdr), log was like this.

wwdr <Buffer 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 42 45 47 49 4e 20 43 45 52 54 49 46 49 43 41 54 45 2d 2d 2d 2d 2d 0a 4d 49 49 45 49 6a 43 43 41 77 71 67 41 77 49 42 41 67 49 49 41 64 ... 1443 more bytes>

With console.log("wwdr",wwdr.toString()), log was like this.

wwdr -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

@ChurikiTenna what about the signerKey and the signerCert? The error message seems to report an error on those two? Do you see differences?

The signerKey and the signerCert produce similar log.

signerCert -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

signerKey -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----

There's something wrong here: my signerCert.pem and signerKey.pem have some metadata before. Also signerKey.pem starts with a different header. Are you sure you converted the files correctly? Which procedure did you follow?

I see something like this:

immagine immagine

I was not following this guide, and was generating .pem file directory from .cert file.

Tried creating .pem file according to the instruction, and now it works!!!
Thank you so much for your kindest support!

What guide / command were you following, just to understand?

I didn't find the correct guideline first, and had no ideas what I was doing.
I think I did something like this to create pem file.

openssl x509 -in ios_distribution.cer -inform DER -out ios_distribution.pem -outform PEM