

anzonyquispe opened this issue · 31 comments

Dear all,

  1. Follow the instructions in the Jupyter Notebook (JN) named as Assignment_3.
  2. Each group must create their branch named group_#_ass_3_2024_2 (group_1_ass_3_2024_2) and save their results in the Assignment_3 folder. Name your JN like your branch.
  3. Your Pull request should be linked to this issue.
  4. All the questions about the assignment should be posted in this issue.
  5. Follow the same procedure as in the previous assignment. Only the RM (Repository Maintainer) should do the final merge. Since, most of you will divide the work, the RP should make a summary of the work done by each member as a final comment before merging your work to the main branch. For the rest of the members be very explicit and detailed when you comment your work. Take this assignment as a simulacro of real work.
  6. The RP is the lead of the assignment. You can choose the RP for this assignment. If any member does not work, we should be able to see it clearly in the RP;s comments and in the branch's commit history.
  7. If we do not see any commit of a member, we will consider that it did not work and will not be graded and get 0 automatically.
    Deadline: 10/08/23 - 18:00pm

Hello, Anzony.

For the assignment, should we only use the variables provided in X_input or should we use all the variables in the equation? Should we use both sets of variables?

Thanks in advance

Hello, Anzony.

For the assignment, should we only use the variables provided in X_input or should we use all the variables in the equation? Should we use both sets of variables?

Thanks in advance

Hi @RodrigoGrijalba ,
Use all the variables in the equation.
Best regards

Hello again, @anzonyquispe

I have another question.

In question 4, should the function's output be both the coefficient vector and the variance-covariance matrix, or just the coefficient vector?

Thank you in advance

Hello again, @anzonyquispe

I have another question.

In question 4, should the function's output be both the coefficient vector and the variance-covariance matrix, or just the coefficient vector?

Thank you in advance

Hi @RodrigoGrijalba
Your output should look like this

Apg91 commented

Hi anzony,

How are you? One question, the variables q, p1, p2 and p3 correspond to the same ones as the assignment 1?

Thank you

Hi Anzony! In question 3, do we have to recreate the formulas to obtain the values of t, P>|t| and confidence interval?

Thanks a lot

Hi Anzony! In question 3, do we have to recreate the formulas to obtain the values of t, P>|t| and confidence interval?

Thanks a lot

You are right!

Hola Anzony, una duda. El deadline es hasta mañana (sàbado) al medio dia no?. Gracias.

Hi Anzony!
How can we fix this error? (question 4)

Hola Anzony, una duda. El deadline es hasta mañana (sàbado) al medio dia no?. Gracias.

You are right!

Hi Anzony! How can we fix this error? (question 4) Thanks image

I think X_np and y_np are numpies and not pd.DataFrame and ps.Series, respectively.

@SandraMartinezGutierrez i can not see the project of your team.

Hola Anzony
Cuando intento leer la base de datos me sale este problema
Quería saber debo modificar en código

Muchas gracias de antemano

Try using

en qué parte código tendría que añadirlo ?

After read_sav


Me sale SyntaxError

pyreadstat.read_sav( r"el_path_de_tu_archivo")

debo importar algún otro paquete ? porque me sale que el pyreadstat no esta definido

import pyreadstat

sí, eso intente pero me sale esto ahora

please, install pyreadstat with
!pip install pyreadstat
then try to import again

Muchas gracias, Anzony!

Hola Anzony,

Yo también tengo ese problema y no se me soluciona. He usado este código:

with sav.SavHeaderReader(r".\RE223132.sav") as header: metadata = header.all() value_labels2 = metadata.valueLabels var_labels2 = metadata.varLabels

Y este también

with sav.SavHeaderReader(r".\RE223132.sav", ioUtf8=True) as header: metadata = header.all() value_labels2 = metadata.valueLabels var_labels2 = metadata.varLabels

Me sale este error: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xf3 in position 10: invalid continuation byte


Hi @daniela-fg ,

As you can see, we are using a different code since we notice this package is having too many problems with python >=10.0. Please, use this new package pyreadsat

Look at what Antanue did . Check her previous comments

Hi @daniela-fg ,

As you can see, we are using a different code since we notice this package is having too many problems with python >=10.0. Please, use this new package pyreadsat

Look at what Antanue did . Check her previous comments image

Hi Anzony. I tried to to this excercise both in the latest release of Anaconda/Python as well as 3.8.8, from May 2021. Both times I had no problem opening the file, but rather with the part regarding the creation of dictionnaries based on the labels of variables and values of the dataset. I also tried to open the sav file on Notepad++ and to change the encoding to UTF-8 as well as opening the file on SPSS and changing the encoding there but neither solutions worked. I have no clue of what to due.

Hi @daniela-fg ,
As you can see, we are using a different code since we notice this package is having too many problems with python >=10.0. Please, use this new package pyreadsat
Look at what Antanue did . Check her previous comments image

Hi Anzony. I tried to to this excercise both in the latest release of Anaconda/Python as well as 3.8.8, from May 2021. Both times I had no problem opening the file, but rather with the part regarding the creation of dictionnaries based on the labels of variables and values of the dataset. I also tried to open the sav file on Notepad++ and to change the encoding to UTF-8 as well as opening the file on SPSS and changing the encoding there but neither solutions worked. I have no clue of what to due.

fixed it! it was a problem with my working directory: either too long or used special characters (´) or both

Hi Anzony,

We were working on the main file. We noticed this when we were at the middle of the assignment. To solve this we reuploaded the original "Assignment 3" (instructions) file and copied our version in a new file. This drove to a change in the checkpoint file of the "Assignment 3" file. Please could you kindly check this and accept our merge? The Assignment 3 file remains unchanged as in the original version and our Solution file is separated in other file (Assignment_3_Group_10).

Group 10

Hello @anzonyquispe, during the merge of our group work, a line from the file Assignment_3 in our branch unintentionally merged into the main branch, causing alterations to the main file. Could you please review this? My apologies for any inconvenience.

Hello @anzonyquispe, during the merge of our group work, a line from the file Assignment_3 in our branch unintentionally merged into the main branch, causing alterations to the main file. Could you please review this? My apologies for any inconvenience.

Hi @AlvaroZapata27 we can talk now. Come to my link?