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Dear all,

  1. Each group must create their branch named group_#_ass_7_2024 (group_1_ass_7_2024) and save their results in the Assignment_7 folder. Name your JN like your branch.
  2. Import the data located at this link. This dataset comes from this link. It has information on all the geolocated health establishments in Cajamarca.
  3. Import the district's centroids data. It has the latitude and longitude of every district in Peru.
  4. Use these datasets and find the closest health establishment to Cajamarca district centroids. Use euclidian distance between points. DO NOT USE GOOGLE API. IT WILL BE VERY EXPENSIVE For each district, there should be only one health establishment.
  5. Use Google API Directions to find the driving travel time and distance from health establishments to district centroids. Set driving as the value of the parameter mode and Monday 4pm as departure_time. Include information on the three options of the traffic_model variable: best_guess, pessimistic, and optimistic. The final data frame output should look like the table below:
id_eess codigo_renaes categoria nombre diresa red direccion longitud latitud id_ubigeo UBIGEO CCDD NOMBDEP CCPP NOMBPROV CCDI NOMBDIST CAPITAL District Dist_Centroid_Latitude Dist_Centroid_Longitude travel_time_best_guess travel_time_pessimistic travel_time_optimistic travel_distance_best_guess travel_distance_pessimistic travel_distance_optimistic

Plot the following graphs using the final data frame:

  1. Make a histogram of travel time colored by hue = traffic_model (best_guess, pessimistic, and optimistic) for each Province..
  2. Make a histogram of travel distance colored by hue = traffic_model (best_guess, pessimistic, and optimistic) for each Province.
  3. Bar plot of the mean travel distance by Province colored by hue = traffic_model (best_guess, pessimistic, and optimistic). The x-axis should be the name of the Province.
  4. Bar plot of the mean travel time by Province colored by hue = traffic_model (best_guess, pessimistic, and optimistic). The x-axis should be the name of the Province.

Use this data for the following plot.
10. Make a count plot of the number of health establishments by Department colored by hue = categoria. The x-axis should be the Department Name.

  1. Deadline 02/07/2024 23:59.