
feature request: Select/Switch Projects from arDesktop/arLoad

Closed this issue · 2 comments

quaam commented

are there plans to add this to a future release? I have multiple projects and currently (if I'm not mistaken) the only way is to manually change the project in pipeline.yml and reload arDesktop. If there was a way of switching projects from arDesktop or when loading from arLoad, it would great.

as you can see from my reply time there are no future releases planned.
this repo should be a basic concept for code and wiki so you have a good starting point from here.
that's why there no production scripts (besides load,save...)

Change projects is possible you need to override the ENV and refill arDesktop again.
A little bit tricky but doable if it is worth the time for you.

Thx for using Plex!

Let me know if you added this feature else I don't see a strong necessity for it at the moment to keep things as simple as possible.