
What i am missing?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

i have installed the extension and included the static template after fluid styled content.

tt_content.textmedia.settings.responsive_image_rendering.sourceCollection { medium { width = 720m srcset = 720w sizes = 100vw } large { width = 940m srcset = 940w sizes = 100vw } bigger { width = 1140m srcset = 1140w sizes = 100vw } }
this is my testcode. But my images are missing the srcset attribute?
I am missing something?

if i make a var_dump of $this in function buildImageTag then i see that srcset is empty. But you can see my typoscript. srcset ist set.

if i write a throw exception instead of continue in processSourceCollection, then i get a:
RuntimeException thrown in file
ext/fluid_styled_responsive_images/Classes/Resource/Rendering/ImageRenderer.php in line 191.
if ((int)$sourceCollection['width'] > (int)$this->defaultWidth) {

What does it mean?
How is the width (default width) calculated?

only works if i set
styles.content.textmedia.maxW = 10000 styles.content.textmedia.maxWInText = 10000

This seems to be the same issue like in #13.

I guess the actual image width is smaller than the one you want to generate. Then it doesn't make sense processing an image. It's possible to downscale an image, but you can't properly upscale it.

Please have a look at the image width.

If this ticket is still relevant, feel free to reopen.