
Fluid f:image and srcset

Opened this issue · 11 comments


when I use the MASK Extension and within a template file the f:image view helper there is no srcset render.

Can I activate it there or it is not possible ?


It's perfectly possible, though by design this only happens if you use the <f:media ViewHelper - as stated in the README (

Let me know if you run into any problems.

With f:media I don't get sourcesets. Is that a problem with sorting extension libs ?

I get not sourcesets.

<f:media file="{file}" alt="{file.alternative}" title="{file.title}" data="{description: file.description}" class="img-responsive lazyload"/>

no srcset in output

what is your typoscript configuration?


when I use text & media content element all works correct.

Here is the typoscript configuration:

tt_content {
    textmedia {
        settings {
            image_classes = {$styles.content.textmedia.imageClasses}
            responsive_image_rendering {
                layoutKey = srcset

                # Default Breakpoints
                sourceCollection {
                    xl {
                        width = 1200
                        srcset = 1200w

                    lg {
                        width = 992
                        srcset = 992w

                    md {
                        width = 768
                        srcset = 768w

                    sm {
                        width = 480
                        srcset = 480w

                    xs {
                        width = 320
                        srcset = 320w
                        sizes = auto

            origo < tx_origo

I'll try to reproduce it myself.

Can you tell me the version numbers you use (TYPO3, mask, fsri)?

TYPO3 7.6.16
MASK 2.1.1
FSRI 1.2.0


Loading Order:


Do you test it ?