
Fail to start after successful installation

Mohsyn opened this issue · 6 comments

Mohsyn commented

After a successful install when I navigate to "Model Organizer" tab it shows:

Unable to initialize database: failed to init SQLite storage: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'mo_database_dir'

Did you tried to restart SD UI after installation?

I'm getting the same error and yes I have started. I have multiple installs of SD, using different installs - Automatic1111, SDNext, etc...

This extension is working on Automatic1111.

In SD.Next (Instance 11) I get this error.

I notice an error in the log.

21:18:15-847227 ERROR    API error: GET:                                        
                         r/javascript/tinymce/tinymce.min.js {'error':          
                         'HTTPException', 'code': 404, 'detail': 'File not      
                         e.min.js.', 'body': '', 'errors': '404: File not found:

In this example SD.Next has the following startup command line options:

Command line args: ['--listen', '--port=9000',         
                         '--insecure', '--medvram', '--allow-code',             
                         '--log=/tmp/sdnext.log', '--models-dir=/config/models',
                         '--data-dir=/config/data', '--log=/tmp/sdnext.log']

The location as to where the extensions are stored is not under the webui directory.

I have a second SD.Next instance which is also getting the same error.

This one has a different start command line setup.

Command line args: ['--listen', '--port=9000',         
                         '--insecure', '--medvram', '--allow-code', '--debug']

No obvious errors in the logs. It doesn't really mention the extension much at all. No errors during install.

21:37:34-253586 DEBUG    Running extension installer:                           

On the second instance the API Error doesn't occur. The extension directory is under the WebUI directory, i.e. default location.

So, is this extension compatible with SD.Next?

Well, after rebooting for I don't know how many times. It's working sort of.

SD.Next - Instance 1 is still getting the API error and the page layout is broken
SD.Next - Instance 2 - is working fine.


Did you tried to restart SD UI after installation?

Yes. That did not help. Disabled the plugin atm