
✈ A React Leaflet library that allows developers to create custom markers that drifts to a certain point, computes their bearing angle using given coordinates and rotates accordingly.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

react-leaflet-tracking-marker MIT License npm version npm version

✈ A React Leaflet library that allows developers to create custom markers that drifts to a certain point, computes their bearing angle using given coordinates and rotates accordingly.

Supports react-leaflet v3.x


This library was inspired from leaflet-drift-marker and react-leaflet-rotatedmarker.

Check-out a working example here:

Edit leaflet-tracking-marker


npm install --save react-leaflet-tracking-marker

react-leaflet-tracking-marker requires leaflet and react-leaflet as peerDependency

npm install --save leaflet react-leaflet


Inherits props from leaflet-drift-marker and still supports all existing props from react-leaflet marker

Props Type Default Description
position LatLngExpression The current coordinates. This is mandatory.
previousPosition LatLngExpression The previous point coordinates. Allows the marker to automatically computes its rotation angle. To set a fixed value, consider using rotationAngle property.
rotationOrigin String 'center' The rotation center, as a transform-origin CSS rule.
duration number Required, duration in milliseconds marker will take to destination point
keepAtCenter boolean false Makes map view follow marker
rotationAngle number 0 Rotation angle, in degrees, clockwise. Allows setting the marker rotation angle manually, replacing the rotation angle value that was automatically computed using the previousPosition property if provided.

Note: LatLngExpression type defines an array of latitude and longitude values. e.g. [51.505, -0.09]


import { LeafletTrackingMarker } from "react-leaflet-tracking-marker";

function AirplaneMarker({ data }) {
  const { latitude, longitude } = data
  const [prevPos, setPrevPos] = useState([latitude, longitude])

  useEffect(() => {
    if (prevPos[1] !== longitude && prevPos[0] !== latitude) setPrevPos([latitude, longitude])
  }, [latitude, longitude, prevPos])

  return <LeafletTrackingMarker icon={icon} position={[latitude, longitude]} previousPosition={prevPos} duration={1000} />


MIT License