
Support Windows Authentication (Negotiate)

OronDF343 opened this issue · 5 comments

Pororoca does not currently support Windows Authentication at all, so it cannot be used to test many of our intranet apps.

Please add support for enabling Windows Authentication, at the very least on Windows platforms please allow using the default credentials of the current user (CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials).

Windows Authentication is not hard to implement in the client-side, but I could not find a good example server for ASP.NET Core, to test if it would work end-to-end.

Would you be willing to test this feature?

@OronDF343 , Windows Authentication is available for testing in develop branch

You can either test using dotnet run locally or produce a release using the makereleases.ps1 script

If you choose the script, edit lines 56 and 57 to choose win-x64_portable and make sure to use a Windows machine with .NET SDK 7.0.306 installed (the version specified in global.json)

@alexandrehtrb Tested, looks good to me

Solved with release 2.4.0