
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

zoho_service gem

zoho_service gem is a library to read, update and delete data in Zoho Service Desk.


Support Modules (see and onn/off at lib/zoho_service.rb)

  • organizations
  • tickets [comments threads attachments timeEntries]
  • contacts
    • tasks
  • accounts
  • tasks
  • agents
  • departments

Not ready yet:

  • uploads
  • search [searchStr sortBy]
  • mailReplyAddress
  • from & limit
  • sortBy


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'zoho_service', git: 'https://github.com/chaky222/zoho_service'

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install zoho_service


Get the token

You can get the token read "Zoho Service Desk API documentation" available here:


Setup Token and Host

Before accessing ZohoService, you must first configure the connector with token.

require "zoho_service"
zoho_service_connector = ZohoService::ApiConnector.new('224d6ade955bbb18f82ebd00f5c6642e')
puts zoho_service_connector.organizations.to_json
puts zoho_service_connector.tickets.to_json
puts zoho_service_connector.tickets.first.comments.to_json

Example how to use this gem you can find in file 'bin/zoho_service'. Here some lines from it:

require 'zoho_service'
zoho_conn = ZohoService::ApiConnector.new('224d6ade955bbb18f82ebd00f5c6642e', {}, true)

# ticket = c.tickets.first.update(subject: 'zzzz Вот ваш первый талон.')
# ticket = c.tickets.first

ticket = zoho_conn.tickets.new({
  "subCategory": "Sub General",
  "contactId": zoho_conn.contacts.first.id,
  "subject": "100500 started",
  "dueDate": (Time.now + 300.days).utc,
  "departmentId": zoho_conn.departments.first.id,
  "channel": "Email",
  "description": "Hai This is Description",
  "assigneeId": zoho_conn.agents.first.id,
  "phone": "1 888 900 9646",
  "email": "example@example.com",
  "status": "Open"

puts "\n\n ticket=[#{ticket.to_json}] \n\n"

comm = ticket.comments.create({ 
  "isPublic": "true",
  "content": "comm 1005002"

comm = ticket.comments.new({ 
  "isPublic": "true",
  "content": "comm 1005003"

comm = ticket.comments.first

puts "\n\n comm=[#{comm.to_json}] \n\n"

ticket.update(description: ticket.description + ' bla-bla-bla ')

My mail=chaky22222222@gmail.com.