
Cannot convert undefined or null to object

Opened this issue · 7 comments


I get the error "Cannot convert undefined or null to object" in the console with the simple following code:

package app

import org.scalajs.dom._

import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSExport
import plotly._
import plotly.element._

object Application extends js.JSApp {

  override def main(): Unit = {
    val x = 0.0 to 10.0 by 0.1
    val y1 = => 2.0 * d + util.Random.nextGaussian())
    val y2 =

    val data = Seq(
        x, y1, name = "Approx twice"
        x, y2, name = "Exp"
    println("hello world")
    window.onload = { (e: Event) => {
        Plotly.plot("div-plotly", data)

The error stack is:

plotly-1.2.0.min.js:32 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
    at Function.keys (<anonymous>)
    at p (plotly-1.2.0.min.js:32)
    at f (plotly-1.2.0.min.js:32)
    at Object.P.plot (plotly-1.2.0.min.js:32)
    at $c_Lplotly_Plotly$.plot__T__sc_Seq__V (Plotly.scala:33)
    at Hello.scala:27

Do you know this error?

@francoiscabrol I have the same problem, were you able to fix it?


I have cloned the project and built it and it fails in exactly the same way. Is this still being maintained? It looks really good, it would be a pity if it has been abandoned.

Rendering demos Line Charts
plotly-demo-fastopt.js:78719 Rendering demo basic-line-plot
plotly-demo-jsdeps.js:883 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
    at Function.keys (<anonymous>)
    at a (plotly-demo-jsdeps.js:883)
    at Object.r.cleanData (plotly-demo-jsdeps.js:884)
    at Object.y.plot (plotly-demo-jsdeps.js:884)
    at $c_Lplotly_Plotly$.plot__T__sc_Seq__V (plotly-demo-fastopt.js:6507)
    at plotly-demo-fastopt.js:6769
    at $c_sjsr_AnonFunction1.apply__O__O (plotly-demo-fastopt.js:36554)
    at $c_sci_$colon$colon.$c_sci_List.foreach__F1__V (plotly-demo-fastopt.js:90711)
    at plotly-demo-fastopt.js:6718
    at $c_sjsr_AnonFunction1.apply__O__O (plotly-demo-fastopt.js:36554)

sorry I don't remember but I think I didn't find any way to get it work with this code.

The demo code is passing JSON to plotly that looks like:

  "type" : "scatter",
  "x" : [
  "y" : [
  "text" : null,
  "mode" : null,
  "marker" : null,
  "line" : null,
  "textposition" : null,
  "textfont" : null,
  "name" : null,
  "connectgaps" : null,
  "xaxis" : null,
  "yaxis" : null,
  "fill" : null,
  "error_x" : null,
  "error_y" : null,
  "showlegend" : null
  "type" : "scatter",
  "x" : [
  "y" : [
  "text" : null,
  "mode" : null,
  "marker" : null,
  "line" : null,
  "textposition" : null,
  "textfont" : null,
  "name" : null,
  "connectgaps" : null,
  "xaxis" : null,
  "yaxis" : null,
  "fill" : null,
  "error_x" : null,
  "error_y" : null,
  "showlegend" : null

plotly is choking on the marker and line fields. These are complex fields, rather than just strings, and if they are passed as {} rather than null plotly is happy. Unfortunately, my scala is not good enough to work how this JSON is being generated, perhaps the circe API has changed.

@alexarchambault @francoiscabrol This seems to have been broken since v0.1.0. I've generated a PR that fixes the JS renderer but the other renderers might be broken as well. It seems that this project is abandoned which is a pity because it seems to be pretty good. For other wanting to use it, clone my fork then sbt publishLocal and refer to version in 0.3.3-SNAPSHOT in your projects.

@evan-wehi The project isn't abandonned per se, I'm just focusing more on some other projects right now. I'll have a look at your PR.

@alexarchambault Great that you are now looking at! This is not an edge case, the js renderer is completely broken, I would guess because of a change in circe. My PR is probably not the right way to do it but I didn't understand the circe renderer API. As I mentioned, your API is great, I was able get my use case running in 1/3 code that D3 required and I got all the plotly niceness as well.