
0.5.0 doesn't show Plot in Almond

Closed this issue · 1 comments

In the classic Jupyter notebook frontend, the output seems to be broken since 0.5.0.

import $ivy.`org.plotly-scala::plotly-almond:0.5.0`

import plotly._
import plotly.element._
import plotly.layout._
import plotly.Almond._

val (x, y) = Seq(
  "Banana" -> 10,
  "Apple" -> 8,
  "Grapefruit" -> 5

Bar(x, y).plot()

doesn't show the plot. When I switch to 0.4.2 (kernel restart required) it works fine again.
Tested with Almonf 0.1.11, Scala 2.12

So looking into the browser console this seems to be a string parameter instead of an expected array in a JS call to require:

Error: Invalid require call

Yay dynamic typing 🙄

The error has sneaked into plotJs() recently. Fixing that makes it work for me again.