
Version confusion

ShootingKing-AM opened this issue · 2 comments

What are these versions ? 300 ? 111 and Cargo.toml has something, cagro update shows someother vesion, github actions generate something else, Crates-io has two version ? Oo ? Can someone clarify this ? (and maybe some readme? Thanks)

This probably requires some explanations in the README indeed. There currently two maintained branches:

  • master which builds OpenSSL 3.0 (with 300. versions)
  • release/111 which builds OpenSSL 1.1.1 (with 111.* versions)

openssl-sys depends on the 111 versions, so when using a feature flag to statically link openssl from openssl or another crate depending on it, you will get a 111 version.

Does this clarify the situation or do you see other inconsistencies?

Thanks for the clarification and PR @amousset : )