
Better prefixing based on cache bins

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The current algorithm based on the Levenshtein distance isn't ideal for grouping this type of strings. A better solution is grouping the strings in a tree-like format based on cache bins.


Level 1                                 pantheon-redis
                                    .            .                    .
                                  .                .                            .
                                .                    .                                    .
Level 2                    cache                       cache_page                               cache_menu
                             .                           .                                          .
                            .                             .                                          .
Level 3      facetapi, filter_formats     , ...               user-menu, main-menu,...
Key                                                                                        Count      GET        SET        Hit Rate (%)    Avg Size (KB)   Lifetime (seconds)  
pantheon-redis:cache:facetapi:facet_info:search_api@default_node_index:en                  1          2          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:filter_formats:en                                                     1          330        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:critical_css_sweepstakes                                              1          1          1          50              19.79           n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:170d36760f0580a37b2a1d234e8f9a78                     1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:ctools_plugin_files:ctools:export_ui                                  1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:critical_css_default                                                  1          72         0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:ctools_plugin_files:entityreference:selection                         1          67         0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:critical_css_collection_page                                          1          3          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:plugins:bean:types                                                    1          339        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:schema:runtime:1                                                      1          405        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:ctools_plugin_files:facetapi:query_types                              1          2          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:search_api:index-default_node_index--fields-1-0-en                    1          2          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:critical_css_info_page                                                1          3          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:30dbcb71818417b97395dd00e9804487                     1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:8891f91d109252de116e32934dc33154                     1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:ctools_plugin_type_info                                               1          384        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:9a0b344a835b241fa3afa92f4bbb0c0f                     1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:filter_list_format                                                    1          329        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:1c7a618ce092de9190b6fefea6ee9aea                     1          2          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:70d8076d8276415e24cc4c5370d8f77a                     1          7          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:system_cache_tables                                                   1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:theme_registry:seven                                                  1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:theme_registry:greatist2x                                             1          32         0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:f408ca07289333ea9c4c7b55661279e0                     1          2          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:8efed7d09526e7b1e489cc143cfe3be1                     1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:critical_css_collection                                               1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:image_styles                                                          1          390        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:theme_registry:runtime:seven                                          1          5          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:schema:runtime:                                                       1          22         0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:theme_registry:bootstrap                                              1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:e1bb1d1e375b377f0093ce10224394fe                     1          2          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:critical_css_taxonomy                                                 1          28         0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:0afe6060bc27e87b9efc2fdecce421a7                     1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:theme_registry:adminimal                                              1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:344a9ab42e1b1980092c7166e64e56c7                     1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:6d5ab92f7d3db2ab9e6c1abae0132265                     1          1          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:bean_plugins                                                          1          339        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:critical_css_recipe                                                   1          8          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:imageapi_optimize:methods                                             1          1029       0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:node_types:en                                                         1          435        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:entity_info:en                                                        1          441        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:theme_registry:runtime:greatist2x                                     1          377        1          99              51.89           n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:gr8ist-instagram:4b76d5a8f56969794face6ecb8573640                     1          5          0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:critical_css_article                                                  1          250        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache:entity_property_info:en                                               1          281        0          100             n/a             n/a                 
pantheon-redis:cache*                                                                      45         5608       2          99              35.84           n/a            
