support for pepper?
G2G2G2G opened this issue · 2 comments
G2G2G2G commented
Right now I append a pepper onto all passwords (especially useful for people using terrible passes)
Was wondering if this can be added to the params?
ethanmad commented
@G2G2G2G In case you didn't know, argon2id supports peppers. Just concatenate password and pepper.
You can compare password and hash like so:
match, err := argon2id.ComparePasswordAndHash(plaintext+pepper, hasedPassword);
Hash a password like so:
hashedPw, err := argon2id.CreateHash(plaintext+pepper, argon2id.DefaultParams);
G2G2G2G commented
Yes I understand that, I said "I append a pepper onto all passwords" which is the same as concatenate.
was just curious if it was going to be added, but I guess it doesn't matter if he's kinda inactive on it