
--token flag no longer supported, should be --k3s-extra-args '--token'

Vashiru opened this issue · 3 comments

General description

The readme for "Create a multi-master HA setup with external SQL" states that the servers should be installed using --token. This flag is however no longer present in k3sup. Instead --k3s-extra-args "--token ${TOKEN}" should be used.

Side node: tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 64 returns tr: Illegal byte sequence - to proceed I installed the first server without '--token', signed in with SSH to the first server, grabbed the token from the file and then passed it in the k3s-extra-args for the second server.

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Possible Solution

Update the documentation to reflect current status


Attempting to install a multi-master HA setup with an external SQL server

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Hi @Vashiru

This flag is however no longer present in k3sup.

As far as I know, this was recently added by @Waterdrips

Are you sure that you're using the latest version of k3sup?


latest docs (as of 07/01/2022) shows --token

Yes that's

Hi @Vashiru

This flag is however no longer present in k3sup.

As far as I know, this was recently added by @Waterdrips

Are you sure that you're using the latest version of k3sup?


My bad, that's in fact VERY recent. I'm running 0.11.1, and it was added in 0.11.2.

Interesting note though, I ran curl -sLS | sh on the 26th of December on my M1 Macbook and it installed 0.11.1, even though 0.11.2 was released on the 16th of december (according to the Github releases).

Closing ticket due to pebcak.