
k3sup join doesn't work under Windows

paalkr opened this issue · 2 comments

Why do you need this?

Joining a server to a k83s cluster doesn't work when executing k3s on Windows.

Expected Behaviour

The join command to succeed

Current Behaviour

The ssh remote path / are replaced with \ in the cat command when obtaining the node-token.

k3sup join `
>   --server `
>   --k3s-version v1.22.15-rc1+k3s1 `
>   --server-user ubuntu `
>   --server-ip x.x.x.x `
>   --ssh-key ~/.ssh/foo `
>   --k3s-extra-args '--no-deploy traefik --no-deploy metallb --disable-cloud-controller' `
>   --user ubuntu `
>   --ip x.x.x.x --print-command
Running: k3sup join
Server IP: x.x.x.x
Enter passphrase for 'C:\Users\bar\.ssh\foo':
ssh: sudo cat \var\lib\rancher\k3s\server\node-token

cat: varlibrancherk3sservernode-token: No such file or directory
Error: unable to get join-token from server: Process exited with status 1

Your Environment

  • k3sup version:

  • k3sup version 0.12.3

  • What Kubernetes distribution, client and server version are you using?
    k3s 1.22.15

  • What OS or type or VM are you using for your cluster? Where is it hosted? (for k3sup install/join):
    Remote: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

  • Operating System and version (e.g. Linux, Windows, MacOS):
    Windows 11 running latest Windows Terminal. Executing k3sup in Powershell

The error is not present with k3sup version 0.12.1

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