
DB schema

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This scheme is logically divided into several contexts:

  1. Users & authorization
  2. Author & subscriptions
  3. Posts
  4. Payments

Users & authorization
This scheme involves working with sessions. There are three tables in this context:

  1. user
  2. user_session - created after entering code from email; when user exits, is_active becomes false, when created it becomes true; device and client fields store the user's device name and its client (in MVP - browser name) respectively
  3. user_authentication_code - created when user sends email to the system during authorization

Author & subscriptions
This context consists of 4 tables:

  1. author - this table is linked to the user's table by a many-to-one relationship, since the user may want to create multiple pages (you should probably rename this table to blog)
  2. subscription_option
  3. user_subscription - M2M for the user who subscribes and the author who is subscribed
  4. user_tracking - is created when a user clicks the "Отслеживать" button (check design)

This context consists of 4 tables:

  1. post - the content field contains text in Notion-like format
  2. post_preview - settings of the preview which a user who has not opened the full post sees
  3. post_like
  4. post_access - post access settings; there are several types of access: open access (i.e., for everyone), subscribers only, subscribers and purchase, purchase only; for the second and third you must set the subscription_option_id field; for the third and fourth you must set the purchase_price field

The transaction table stores information about all payments. Each transaction is linked to a session to make it easier to detect fraudulent actions