[Bug Report]Invalid function: TeX-auto-add-type
ProfessorX opened this issue · 15 comments
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-function TeX-auto-add-type)
TeX-auto-add-type("label" "LaTeX")
byte-code("\300\301\302\"\210\300\303\302\"\210\300\304\302\"\210\300\305\302\306#\210\300\307\302\310#\210\300\311\302\"\210\300\312\302\"\210\300\313\302\"\210\300\314\302\315#\207" [TeX-auto-add-type "label" "LaTeX" "bibitem" "environment" "bibliography" "bibliographies" "index-entry" "index-entries" "pagestyle" "counter" "length" "savebox" "saveboxes"] 4)
byte-code("\300\301!\210\300\302!\210\300\303!\210\300\304!\207" [require tex latex company yasnippet] 2)
(progn (prelude-require-packages (quote (company-auctex))) (company-auctex-init))
(lambda nil (progn (prelude-require-packages (quote (company-auctex))) (company-auctex-init)))()
funcall((lambda nil (progn (prelude-require-packages (quote (company-auctex))) (company-auctex-init))))
eval((funcall (quote (lambda nil (progn (prelude-require-packages (quote (company-auctex))) (company-auctex-init))))))
eval-after-load("company" (progn (prelude-require-packages (quote (company-auctex))) (company-auctex-init)))
byte-code("\306\307!\210\310\311!\210\310\312!\210\313\314\315\"\210\316\317\320\321\322\323\322\324\325\326\327\330&�\210\331\211��\332\333\334\"\210\331��\335=\2035�\336�\337�\334\207" [TeX-auto-save TeX-parse-self TeX-PDF-mode system-type TeX-view-program-selection TeX-view-program-list prelude-require-packages (auctex cdlatex) require smartparens-latex cl eval-after-load "company" (progn (prelude-require-packages (quote (company-auctex))) (company-auctex-init)) custom-declare-variable prelude-latex-fast-math-entry (quote LaTeX-math-mode) "Method used for fast math symbol entry in LaTeX." :link (function-link :tag "AUCTeX Math Mode" LaTeX-math-mode) (emacs-commentary-link :tag "CDLaTeX" "cdlatex.el") :group prelude :type (choice (const :tag "None" nil) (const :tag "AUCTeX Math Mode" LaTeX-math-mode) (const :tag "CDLaTeX" cdlatex)) t set-default TeX-master nil darwin ((output-dvi "DVI Viewer") (output-pdf "PDF Viewer") (output-html "HTML Viewer")) (("DVI Viewer" "open %o") ("PDF Viewer" "open %o") ("HTML Viewer" "open %o"))] 13)
eval-buffer(#<buffer *load*> nil "/home/abrahamx/.emacs.d/prelude-modules.el" nil t) ; Reading at buffer position 749
load-with-code-conversion("/home/abrahamx/.emacs.d/prelude-modules.el" "/home/abrahamx/.emacs.d/prelude-modules.el" nil nil)
byte-code("\306\307�\"\210\306\307 \"\210\306\307\n\"\210\310\n!\210\311�\312�\313
\321\322#\"\210\314\323!\210\324\325!\210\324\326!\210\324\327!\210\324\330!\210\324\331!\210\324\332!\210\324\333!\210�'\334=\203V�\324\335!\210\314\336!\210\313�(!\203f�\317�(!\210\337\340�)\"�*\313�)!\203\204�\314\315�)\"\210\316\317\320�)\321\322#\"\210\314\341�+\"\210\342\343\344\345\346#!\207" [prelude-core-dir prelude-modules-dir prelude-vendor-dir gc-cons-threshold large-file-warning-threshold prelude-personal-preload-dir add-to-list load-path prelude-add-subfolders-to-load-path 50000000 100000000 file-exists-p message "Loading personal configuration files in %s..." mapc load directory-files t "^[^#].*el$" "Loading Prelude's core..." require prelude-packages prelude-ui prelude-custom prelude-core prelude-mode prelude-editor prelude-global-keybindings darwin prelude-osx "Loading Prelude's modules..." expand-file-name "custom.el" "Prelude is ready to do thy bidding, Master %s!" prelude-eval-after-init run-at-time 5 nil prelude-tip-of-the-day system-type prelude-modules-file prelude-personal-dir custom-file current-user] 6)
load("/home/abrahamx/.emacs.d/init" t t)
#[0 "�\205\262� \306=\203��\307�\310Q\202;� \311=\204��\307�\312Q\202;�\313\307\314\315#\203*�\316\202;�\313\307\314\317#\203:�\320\nB�\321\202;�\316\322�\323�\322\211#\210�\322=\203a�\324\325\326\307�\327Q!\"\323�\322\211#\210�\322=\203`���\210�\203\243�\330�!\331\232\203\243�\332�!\211\333P\334�!\203}�\211\202\210�\334�!\203\207��\202\210�\314\262��\203\241�\335��\"\203\237�\336\337��#\210\340\341!\210��\266�\f?\205\260�\314�\323\342\322\211#)\262�\207" [init-file-user system-type delayed-warnings-list user-init-file inhibit-default-init inhibit-startup-screen ms-dos "~" "/_emacs" windows-nt "/.emacs" directory-files nil "^\\.emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$" "~/.emacs" "^_emacs\\(\\.elc?\\)?$" (initialization "`_emacs' init file is deprecated, please use `.emacs'") "~/_emacs" t load expand-file-name "init" file-name-as-directory "/.emacs.d" file-name-extension "elc" file-name-sans-extension ".el" file-exists-p file-newer-than-file-p message "Warning: %s is newer than %s" sit-for 1 "default"] 7 "\n\n(fn)"]()
Since the trace showed something about Company-AucTeX, I assume that it's the right place to complain.
When I disable the prelude-latex module, everything is fine. So I am sure (as can be seen by preview-bug-report) it has something to do with either this or TeX.el
itself, which seems to be impossible.
I have the same issue after the recent update of emacs packages.
I am currently on vacation and will only be able to look at it after next
I seem to have solved it. Right Now tablet, wait.
Remove Auctex package.
Start Emacs.
Do prelude-update.
(I would like to write a detailed one later.)
This should solve the problem. If not, manually install 11.87 version.
I have the same issue after the recent update of emacs packages.
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#1 (comment).
Follow my update If you are using prelude. Otherwise remove and manually
install 11.87.
On Nov 2, 2014 11:48 PM, "Swarnendu Biswas" notifications@github.com
I have the same issue after the recent update of emacs packages.
Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#1 (comment)
@ProfessorX thanks for posting this, fixed my issue. :)
Ok, so the issue just requires updating Auctex? Or is the problem that it isn't working with Auctex >11.87? Specifically, the trace says that (require 'latex)
fails and I don't see why it would.
I get this behavior without company mode installed. Which suggests to me that it's a problem in auctex 11.88. Either that, or it's something else in my installation -- but either way it seemingly has nothing to do with company.
I am a lazy buddy so I just use Prelude bundle with a bit configurations.
I solve the issue (at least no bug report like the one I posted for weeks) as follows:
- Use
to remove AucTeX, whatever version it is installed in your Emacs. save-buffer-exit-emacs
- Restart Emacs and do
, it solves everything. (At least no bug report after that). - I assume remove 11.88 version and revert to 11.87 manually is an option. I have tried that and it did work.
For those who are not using Prelude, I suppose there are similar approaches after you check what prelude-update
Regards from Laptop,
For those who don't use Prelude it seems to be enough to do package-list-packages
and reinstall auctex by selecting 11.88 from other versions and then install. No downgrading or manual file cleanup required. (MacOS10.10/Emacs24.4)
Here seems to install the earlier version of auctex:
This worked for me.
I have everything working with the current elpa
11.88 version after having removed a lot of tex-related cruft from my custom-set-variables
in my ~/.emacs
(even having switched to company from auto-complete after learning about company from this thread!). I suspect that there is some obscure combination of factors that a few of us have been snagged in after the update to 11.88. But it is possible to use the current version from the package manager.
I've added description of this issue to README.
Hi. I had this same bug. I deleted the auto directories, and no luck.
The debug info said sobething about byte-compiled code. I though that maybe some the function in an older version of auctex, and at ELPA installation, when the code is byte-compiled, the conflicted version of the function is used.
So I did
emacs -Q (to load emacs without init file, so no auctex code is loaded)
M-x package-list-package
uninstall auctex
install again auctex, newest version (byte-compilation uses only new code).
restart emacs, so auctex is loaded.
Voila, the bug is gone :-)
just to corroborate what mvsfrasson is saying:
For some reason when I installed the package I ended up with version 11.87 and so did an upgrade of the AUCTeX package to 11.88 (U from the keyboard to mark package for upgrade in list-packages). This corrupted my installation; consequently I deleted all the .elc files and recompiled them with C-u 0 M-x byte-recompile-directory. This solved the problem.