
AxiStreamMonitor / AxiStreamSink: idle() not working as expected

Botnic opened this issue · 3 comments

While working with the AxiStreamMonitor / AxiStreamSink classes, I had the impression that the function 'def idle(self)' of these classes does not work as expected. I want to use it, to check if the bus is idle, all packets have arrived and the test can be terminated.

The function is based on the variable, but I have not found a situation when it would be set to true.
Did I miss something?

Thank you

Hmm, yes, it looks like that's not implemented properly. I pretty much exclusively use send and recv so that code path has basically never been tested. I'll take a look at getting that implemented properly.

Try the current version and see if it does what you need.

Great! Works as expected!

Thanks a lot