
[Question] How can I receive more than just four bytes? What I'm I doing wrong?

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So! This is probably a user error on my part, but still.


This is is the source-code I'm working on. Simple transmit and receive. Yes! I know this is not how one uses pyuvm, but
I'm in the process of learning and now I'm focusing on learning this extensions. Maybe the problem is in how i use pyuvm?

class TestTransmitRandom(uvm_test):
    """Test the compilation of the TB and associated source files"""

    def build_phase(self):"Build phase of {self.get_name()}")
        # self.bfm = BFM()
        self.dut =

    async def run_phase(self):"Run phase of {self.get_name()}")

        self.dut_in = AxiStreamSource(AxiStreamBus.from_prefix(self.dut, "axisi"),

        self.dut_out = AxiStreamSink(AxiStreamBus.from_prefix(self.dut, "axiso"),

        self.raise_objection()"Starting clock")
        cocotb.start_soon(Clock(self.dut.csi_sys_clk, 10, units="ns").start())"Resetting DUT")
        await FallingEdge(self.dut.csi_sys_clk)
        self.dut.rsi_sys_rst = 0

        await FallingEdge(self.dut.csi_sys_clk)
        self.dut.rsi_sys_rst = 1

        for cycle in range(4):
            await RisingEdge(self.dut.csi_sys_clk)

        await FallingEdge(self.dut.csi_sys_clk)
        self.dut.rsi_sys_rst = 0"Transmitting data:\n{}")
        test_data = b"Hello hello hello"
        await self.dut_in.send(AxiStreamFrame(tdata=test_data))"Expecting data:\n{}")
        rx_data = await self.dut_out.recv()"Sendt    data:\n{[b for b in test_data]}")"Received data:\n{rx_data.tdata}")


When I execute i get this:

VPI module loaded!
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb                             Running on GHDL version 5.0.0-dev (4.1.0.r13.g0d97a760f.dirty) [Dunoon edition]
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb                             Running tests with cocotb v1.8.1 from /opt/oss-cad-suite/lib/python3.11/site-packages/cocotb
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb                             Seeding Python random module with 1716890959
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                  Found test tb_fifo_cc_dbuff.TestTransmitRandom
     0.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                  running TestTransmitRandom (1/1)
                                                          Test the compilation of the TB and associated source files
     0.00ns INFO     ..on/pyuvm/ [uvm_test_top]: Build phase of uvm_test_top
     0.00ns INFO     ..n/pyuvm/ [uvm_test_top]: Run phase of uvm_test_top
vpi_get_str: unhandled property
vpi_get_str: unhandled property
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi AXI stream source
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi cocotbext-axi version 0.1.24
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi Copyright (c) 2020 Alex Forencich
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi AXI stream source configuration:
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   Byte size: 8 bits
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   Data width: 32 bits (4 bytes)
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi AXI stream source signals:
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   tdata width: 32 bits
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   tdest: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   tid: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   tkeep: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   tlast: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   tready width: 1 bits
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   tuser: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi   tvalid width: 1 bits
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi Reset de-asserted
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso AXI stream sink
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso cocotbext-axi version 0.1.24
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso Copyright (c) 2020 Alex Forencich
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso AXI stream sink configuration:
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   Byte size: 8 bits
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   Data width: 32 bits (4 bytes)
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso AXI stream sink signals:
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   tdata width: 32 bits
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   tdest: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   tid: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   tkeep: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   tlast: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   tready width: 1 bits
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   tuser: not present
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso   tvalid width: 1 bits
     0.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso Reset de-asserted
     0.00ns INFO     ..n/pyuvm/ [uvm_test_top]: Starting clock
     0.00ns INFO     ..n/pyuvm/ [uvm_test_top]: Resetting DUT
/home/sibeov/repos/vcp-verification/pyuvm/ DeprecationWarning: Setting values on handles using the ``dut.handle = value`` syntax is deprecated. Instead use the ``handle.value = value`` syntax
  self.dut.rsi_sys_rst = 0
/home/sibeov/repos/vcp-verification/pyuvm/ DeprecationWarning: Setting values on handles using the ``dut.handle = value`` syntax is deprecated. Instead use the ``handle.value = value`` syntax
  self.dut.rsi_sys_rst = 1
    15.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi Reset asserted
    15.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso Reset asserted
/home/sibeov/repos/vcp-verification/pyuvm/ DeprecationWarning: Setting values on handles using the ``dut.handle = value`` syntax is deprecated. Instead use the ``handle.value = value`` syntax
  self.dut.rsi_sys_rst = 0
    55.00ns INFO     ..n/pyuvm/ [uvm_test_top]: Transmitting data:
                                                        AxiStreamFrame(tdata=bytearray(b']sW\xac\x8ay\x85\xf2\x9b\xadT\\D\xa7\xf8\xee2bH\x93L\xec^'), tkeep=None, tid=None, tdest=None, tuser=None, sim_time_start=None, sim_time_end=None)
    55.00ns INFO     ..n/pyuvm/ [uvm_test_top]: Expecting data:
                                                        AxiStreamFrame(tdata=bytearray(b']sW\xac\x8ay\x85\xf2\x9b\xadT\\D\xa7\xf8\xee2bH\x93L\xec^'), tkeep=None, tid=None, tdest=None, tuser=None, sim_time_start=None, sim_time_end=None)
    55.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi Reset de-asserted
    55.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso Reset de-asserted
    60.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi TX frame: AxiStreamFrame(tdata=bytearray(b'Hello hello hello'), tkeep=None, tid=None, tdest=None, tuser=None, sim_time_start=60000000, sim_time_end=None)
    80.00ns INFO     ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axiso RX frame: AxiStreamFrame(tdata=bytearray(b'Hell'), tkeep=[], tid=[], tdest=[], tuser=[], sim_time_start=80000000, sim_time_end=80000000)
    80.00ns INFO     ..n/pyuvm/ [uvm_test_top]: Sendt    data:
                                                        [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
    80.00ns INFO     ..n/pyuvm/ [uvm_test_top]: Received data:
    80.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                  TestTransmitRandom passed
    80.00ns INFO     cocotb.regression                  *********************************************************************************************
                                                        ** TEST                                 STATUS  SIM TIME (ns)  REAL TIME (s)  RATIO (ns/s) **
                                                        ** tb_fifo_cc_dbuff.TestTransmitRandom   PASS          80.00           0.01       8693.31  **
                                                        ** TESTS=1 PASS=1 FAIL=0 SKIP=0                        80.00           0.09        851.03  **

It does not pass as only the first four octets have been received. I'm guessing I (the user) am the problem.
What I'm I doing wrong.

Deprecation Warning [SOLVED]

Also. Anyone can spot what I'm doing wrong to generate the deprecation warnings?

See answer: #87 (comment)


Let me know if you need to know anything in particular.

Same happens with this snippet:

async def TestTransmitRandom(dut):
    """Test the compilation of the TB and associated source files"""

    cocotb.start_soon(Clock(dut.csi_sys_clk, 10, units="ns").start())

    dut_in = AxiStreamSource(AxiStreamBus.from_prefix(dut, "axisi"),

    dut_out = AxiStreamSink(AxiStreamBus.from_prefix(dut, "axiso"),

    await FallingEdge(dut.csi_sys_clk)
    dut.rsi_sys_rst = 0

    await FallingEdge(dut.csi_sys_clk)
    dut.rsi_sys_rst = 1

    for cycle in range(4):
        await RisingEdge(dut.csi_sys_clk)

    await FallingEdge(dut.csi_sys_clk)
    dut.rsi_sys_rst = 0

    test_data = b"Hello hello hello"
    await dut_in.send(AxiStreamFrame(tdata=test_data))

    rx_data = await dut_out.recv()

    print(f"Test     data : {test_data}")
    print(f"Received data : {rx_data.tdata}")

to get rid of the deprecation warning change to dut.rsi_sys_rst.value = 1

Of course. Thanks!


from the log I see you do not have the tlast signal on both interfaces.
0.00ns INFO ..tb.fifo_cc_dbuff_axis_wrap.axisi tlast: not present

Maybe that is the reason you only get one beat, 32 bit / 4 byte back. As the tlast is not present the receive function may written in a way to return after one beat in this case.

Ahaa. I will check that as soon as I can.

Ahaa. I will check that as soon as I can.

Have not had time to check this out. Still working on it.