
Cant bring html element to zero

MarkusHeinisch opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello sir, can you give me some help? I can't bring the second foo-div to zero. If i remove the first foo-div, it works. But i need two the two divs.

Hi Markus can you provide a code example?

Yes. Show at the codebox-Link ;-)

You have copy&paste into your browser, github cant link it directly to codesandbox atm, sorry.

what do you mean by zero?
is the height zero? or z-index zero?

the codebox link is broken from my side

With zero i mean left: 0. Please copy the link and paste it into your browser. Githubs comment-interface breaks the link.

Can you provide a code example - otherwise I can't help :)

I have added a link in my first and da second post Alex.

@MarkusHeinisch, I guess they were confused because your link wasn't formatted for Markdown.
You need to write it like []( to it can link to properly.

Just to save other's time, here's the source code of the sandbox -

Thanks @arthurdenner.

@MarkusHeinisch as you are using the selector lax.addElements('.lax-slideX-ltr-text', ... you need to make sure both divs have this class:
Screenshot 2021-07-07 at 08 05 19

I added this and now it works :)