
URL not supported

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi, thanks for the report.

This script don't support this type of URL for a couple of reasons:

  1. It's not an album, this is a users profile, so it's kind of outside the scope of the script at the moment. In the same way that we don't support download of single images.
  2. This script relies on a sneaky call to the noscript version of the album page to fetch all images. Turning off JS to this page reveals a message saying "This page requires JavaScript and will not work without it. Please enable JavaScript or make an exception for Imgur. You will not be able to use your account without it and you will probably just see spinning wheels instead." Without that noscript page, we'd need to massively re-architect this script, which I currently have no plans to do.

If someone wanted to fork this script and add it, I'd be more than happy to look at merging that change in, it's just not something I'd be interested in doing.

Sorry about that!
