
Library to realize the zabbix-sender on ESP32-Arduino (ESP-WROOM-02)

Primary LanguageC++


Library to realize the zabbix-sender on ESP8266-Arduino

How to install this library to Arduino IDE

Download zip file

Use ZIP import function of the Arduino IDE

  1. Import .zip file into arduino IDE using .zip library import function
  2. Check the sketchbook directory (file > preferences). IDE will install the library to this location on /libraries subdirectory)
  3. If the sketchbook directory is different of %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Arduino, copy the ESP32ZabbixSender directory to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Arduino\libraries
  4. Restart the IDE and try to compile. more information about installing libraries here: https://docs.arduino.cc/software/ide-v1/tutorials/installing-libraries


See sample_ESP8266ZabbixSender/sample_ESP8266ZabbixSender.ino

ESP8266ZabbixSender zSender;
zSender.Init(IPAddress(192, 168, 35, 14), 10051, "IOTBOARD_00"); // Init zabbix server address, port, and hostname of item
zSender.ClearItem(); // clear item list
zSender.AddItem("air.temp", 29.62); // add item such as air temperture
zSender.AddItem("air.hum", 70.60); // add item such as air humidity
if (zSender.Send() == EXIT_FAILURE){ // send packet
    // error handling

Refer to the following repository for more information.

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