Add support for the new rc.5 angular2 lazy loading with hot-reload...
born2net opened this issue · 1 comments
Angular2 released this week new support for lazy loading and modules.
And while it does work well with systemjs, it does not support lazy loading with hot-reload!
So if you make a change in a lazy loaded module, hot-reload does not reload the module nor the component that the change was made in...
I think all it would take is just to recognize that a component is part of the build process even though it's not in the source code. What angular2 does is use the router to load a component via a string, such as
const appRoutes: Routes = [{
path: '',
component: EntryPanel
}, { path: 'LazyLoad',
loadChildren: 'src/comps/app1/lazyone/LazyOneModule'
}, {
notice that LazyOneModule is referenced simply as a string, and so obviosuly if a change was made, the local server does not know it needs to reload the related component...
A solution would be to somehow parse the router or to somehow via a "hack" let the local server and thus hot-reload force a reload of related component tree.
Sean -
@born2net If you still would like to champion this, please submit a failing test case to systemjs-hmr