

Closed this issue · 5 comments


Thanks for reaching out! I want to do whatever I can to help you get the bot running.
It looks like the bot is crashing on initialization. Did you get the token for auth.json from registering the bot with the Discord Developer Portal? Once you have created a new application and registered the bot, the token is under the "Bot" tab. This is the code that needs to be included in auth.json. I have included a picture.

I have also included examples of the formatting for key.json and auth.json just in case the issue has arisen from formatting.

Once your keys are all set up, make sure you add the bot to a private discord server so that you can run the commands!

I'm not sure if either of these will help, but I had two more ideas:

  • Make sure you have the batches.txt file I included.
  • I assume your terminal is configured so that when you run bot.js it runs it in node, but if this is not the case, then try the command "node bot.js"

If there's any way for you to get more error messages/information regarding the behavior when you try to run the bot, this would help me figure out the issue!

Ok, I think we're making progress towards solving the issue. I experimented with downloading a fresh copy of the files on GitHub and running the bot, and I got the same result as you, which is you run the bot, it says the base items are loaded, and then the bot stops running. I pushed the most recent version of the bot to GitHub just now. I've been experimenting with different functions and dependencies, trying to figure out exactly what the issue is, but I have not figured it out yet.

I suspect that it may be the library that this project uses, which has not been updated in 3 years and may have some issues. I may try to experiment with switching to discord.js or another API for the bot in the next few weeks and see if that resolves this issue.

Please let me know how you got it to work! I'd love to change what I have so that other people can get it to work as well.

I am working on an update for the bot that will give you the option to keep the stars so that you can snipe items that have stars. As soon as it works, I will push it to GitHub and send another message here.

Quick update- The most recent commit on the development branch has the support for stars- all you need to do is format the names for snipe like "Wither Chestplate 5star" and it should work. This also works for !find. Right now, I'm running into issues with !watch, but I wanted you to be able to make use of snipe and find as soon as possible so I pushed it to development so you can use it.

In the near future I will fix the issues with watch and switch the bot over to discord.js. Thank you for including the code sample and let me know if you have any more feedback!